
ARC Gallery: African Americans

Famous and Notable IndividualsHighlighted Records and Images
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Charles Alston (Artist) Marian Anderson (Opera Singer and Delegate to United Nations Jazz Musician Louis Armstrong's World War I Draft Card James Baldwin (Activist and Author) Bessye J. Bearden (Social Worker and Club Woman)
Mary McLeod Bethune (Activist and Educator) Willa Beatrice Brown (First African American Woman to be a Lieutenant in U.S. Civil Air Patrol) Phyllis Mae Dailey (First African American Navy Nurse) Benjamin O. Davis, Sr. (First African American Army General) Bejamin O. Davis, Jr. (Commander of Tuskegee Airmen in World War II and First African American Air Force General)
Frederick Douglass (Abolitionist, Author, and Orator) W. E. B. DuBois (Civil Rights Leader and Scholar) Duke Ellington (Jazz Musician) Martin Luther King, Jr. (Civil Rights Leader and Minister) Thurgood Marshall (First African American Supreme Court Justice)
Chart of Where Civil Rights Leader Rosa Parks Sat on the Bus Colin Powell (Army General and 65th U.S. Secretary of State) Paul Robeson (Actor and Civil Rights Activist Jackie Robinson (Baseball Player and Civil Rights Activist) Harriet Tubman (Abolitionist and Underground Railroad Guide)

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Image Captions

First row:
ARC ID 535610, "Democracy's Forge," 1943;
ARC ID 535928 [Marian Anderson with veterans, 1945];
ARC ID 596218 [Draft Registration Card for Louis Armstrong, 1918];
ARC ID 542051 [Baldwin at March on Washington, 1963];
ARC ID 535628 [Drawing of Bessye J. Bearden by Charles Henry Alston]

Second row:
ARC ID 559194, Mary McLeod Bethune;
ARC ID 535717 [Willa Beatrice Brown];
ARC ID 520618 [Phyllis Mae Dailey taking oath as a Navy nurse, 03/08/1945];
ARC ID 531201 [Bejamin O. Davis, Sr., 1944];
ARC ID 535718 [Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., 1942]

Third row:
ARC ID 558770, Frederick Douglass, ca. 1879;
ARC ID 559200, W.E.B. DuBois;
ARC ID 194289, [Detail of] Richard M. Nixon presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Duke Ellington, 04/24/1969;
ARC ID 542069 [Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., speaking at March on Washington, 1963];
ARC ID 306369 [Message of President Lyndon B. Johnson nominating Thurgood Marshall ... Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, 06/13/1967]

Fourth row:
ARC ID 596069, Diagram of the Bus Showing Where Rosa Parks Was Seated;
ARC ID 594395 [Colin L. Powell];
ARC ID 535874 [Paul Robeson with Moore Shipyard workers, 1942];
ARC ID 542024 [Jackie Robinson with his son at March on Washington, 1963];
ARC ID 559120 [Portrait of Harriet Tubman]

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