
News AnalysisAn In-depth look at topics in the news

06 May 2009 

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Join host Carol Castiel each week as she and two advocates from the world of politics, public policy, or academia discuss and debate a critical issue in the news, bringing depth, perspective, and insight to the world around us.

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Obama 100 Days

Obama_100daysPolitical analysts discuss the challenges facing President Obama after his first 100 days in office. John Fortier of the American Enterprise Institute and Ben Armbruster from the Center for American Progress talk with host Carol Castiel about President Obama’s accomplishments in the domestic and international arena and the obstacles that lie ahead as he charts a new course for the nation.


Airdate: 3 May 2009


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South Africa's Election

South Africa ElectionsLauren Ploch, African affairs analyst with Congressional Research Service and Susan Page, Director for East and Southern Africa at the National Democratic Institute discuss the implications of the recent parliamentary elections in South Africa and how a Jacob Zuma presidency is likely to affect the country and the continent with host Sarah Williams.


Airdate: 26 April 2009


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Toward A New U.S.- Cuba Policy

Cuba After Fidel CastroThe Obama administration recently announced a series of changes in U.S. policy toward Cuba. Julia Sweig, Director of Latin American Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and Maria Werlau, Executive Director of the non-profit organization, Cuba Archive, spar over the pros and cons of the policy shift with host Carol Castiel.


Airdate: 19 April 2009


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Obama – World Without Nukes?

North Korea RocketJust as US President Barack Obama was calling for a world without nuclear weapons last week, North Korea launched a long-range rocket in defiance of the international community. Henry Sokolski, Executive Director of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, and Peter Crail, senior research analyst with the Arms Control Association, debate the pros and cons of a new American approach to nuclear disarmament with host Carol Castiel.

Airdate: 12 April 2009


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New US Afghan-Pak Strategy

Afghanistan PakistanPJ Crowley, Director of National Defense and Homeland Security at the Center for American Progress, and Robert Templer, Director of the Asia Program at the International Crisis Group, discuss the Obama Administration's new multi-pronged approach to defeating the Taliban and extremist elements in Afghanistan and Pakistan with host Carol Castiel.

Airdate: 5 April 2009


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Preview Obama European Tour - G-20 and NATO, US-EU Summits, Turkey

G-20Steve Clemons, Director of the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation, and David Aikman, former Time Magazine correspondent, talk with host Carol Castiel about the challenges that await US President Barack Obama as he embarks on a week-long European tour that takes him to the G-20 and NATO summits as well as to Turkey.

Airdate: 29 March 2009


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Stem Cell Debate

Stem Cell ResearchPresident Obama recently signed an Executive Order on the divisive stem cell issue, clearing the way for a significant increase in federal funding for embryonic stem cell testing. David Prentice, Senior Fellow for Life Sciences at the Family Research Council, and Michael Rugnetta, Research Assistant for the Progressive Bioethics Initiative at the Center for American Progress, debate the pros and cons of President Obama's new stem cell policy with host Rick Pantaleo.

Airdate: 22 March 2009


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Engaging Syria: Key to Mideast Peace?

SyriaOn this edition of Encounter, host Carol Castiel talks with Daniel Levy, Senior Fellow and Co-Director of the Middle East Task Force at the New America Foundation, and David Schenker, Director of the Program on Arab Politics at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, about a shift in US policy toward Syria and its implications for Mideast peace and regional stability.

 Airdate: 15 March 2009


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Anna Zalewski
Subhash Vohra
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