OEMM: Altnernative Energy Programs ~ Cape Wind Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)
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   Renewable Energy Program
Cape Wind Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)

Photo of a wind farm offshore Sweden.The DEIS assesses the physical, biological and social/human impacts of the proposed project and all reasonable alternatives, including action not taken (i.e., the project is not built), in an objective fashion in order to determine if the proposal is environmentally sound. A final decision will be made, which will account for the regional, state and local benefits and impacts as well as for the overall public interest of the United States. A final approval will be granted only if, after consideration of both environmental and non-environmental issues, the MMS finds that the proposed action is in the public interest. The DEIS and mitigation development discussion will be important factors in this final determination. Final action on any MMS authorization would not occur until after the environmental review is completed and all environmental issues have been appropriately addressed. To obtain a single printed or CD-ROM copy of the DEIS,


Cape Wind Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)  (5611.92 KB PDF)

(NOTE: this link takes you to the complete DEIS online. This is a very large document which will take some time to load. Once open, use the Table of Contents to navigate through the document.)

As a convenience to our customers, the links below are to the individual sections and appendices contained within the DEIS. All DEIS files are in Adobe's Portable Document File (PDF) format.


Executive Summary (928.26 KB PDF)


Table of Contents & Acronyms (1220.83 KB PDF)


Section 1.0 Introduction (137.37 KB PDF)


Section 2.0 Proposed Action (179.83 KB PDF)


Section 3.0 Alternatives (226.62 KB PDF)


Section 4.0 Affected Environment (991.64 KB PDF)


Section 5.0 Environmental and Socioeconomic Consequences (1245.73 KB PDF)


Section 6.0 Cumulative Impacts (156.80 KB PDF)


Section 7.0 Consultation and Coordination (149.74 KB PDF)


Section 8.0 Commitment of Resources (19.92 KB PDF)


Section 9.0 Monitoring and Mitigation (139.16 KB PDF)


Section 10.0 Bibliography (273.12 KB PDF)


Section 11.0 List of Preparers (21.39 KB PDF)


Section 12.0 Glossary (129.68 KB PDF)


DEIS Appendix A - Draft EIS Mailing List (119.76 KB PDF)


DEIS Appendix B - List of Figures and Tables (317.40 KB PDF)


DEIS Appendix C - Information on Threatened and Endangered Species (1597.55 KB PDF)


DEIS Appendix D - EFH Assessment (1234.95 KB PDF)


DEIS Appendix E - Agency Correspondence (12755.77 KB PDF)


DEIS Appendix F - Economic Model (1136.78 KB PDF)

Last Updated: 04/22/2009, 08:16 AM Central Time