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IPY Photo Information and Credits
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Observation station at Cap Thordsen during first IPY Ionospheric measurements in 2nd IPY
Observation station at Cap Thordsen used in First IPY.
Making ionospheric measurements in 2nd IPY from the UK Solar System Data Center

Balloon station in second IPY
[Rae and McVeigh] at Balloon Station, 1932-1933 in the Second IPY from the University of Saskatchewan Archives, Department of Physices fonds, A-18.

Available for the Fourth IPY

2005 North Pole Environmental Observatory Switchyard survey. Photo by Roger Andersen, NPEO
Instrument tower at Point Barrow Observatory, Alaska
2005 North Pole Environmental Observatory Switchyard survey. Photo by Roger Andersen, NPEO
Instrument tower at Pt. Barrow Observatory (from NOAA/ESRL)

Radiometers in Barrow, Alaska that are part of the Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) suite. from NOAA ESRL
Instrument tower at Point Barrow Observatory, Alaska
Radiometers in Barrow, Alaska that are part of the Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) suite. from NOAA ESRL
Alert, Nunavut, Canada is the most northerly site in the World Meteorological
Organization (WMO) Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) Network. from NOAA/CMDL

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