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05 May 2009 

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Making a Difference

Individuals around the globe are making a difference in your world through inspirational work. Each week, VOA introduces these well-known and lesser-known people from all walks of life. These uplifting stories illustrate the capacity of individuals to help others.
If you'd like to comment on one of these stories, send us an e-mail at: difference@voanews.com
We would also love to hear your suggestions of people you know who are making a difference. Send us your nominations and maybe one of our correspondents will follow-up -- anywhere in the world!

Catherine Rohr
Her privately funded program in Texas has helped hundreds of prisoners become entrepreneurs after release
Sakena Yacoobi
Mark Bent
Barnard is an adjunct professor of medicine at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., where he coordinates studies on the role of nutrition in health
Peter Ash