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06 May 2009 

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Georgia Beyond the war

In November 2003, the small Caucasus nation of Georgia made headlines around the world, as tens of thousands took to the streets to demand a new government and a new direction. The "Rose Revolution" brought high hopes for democracy, economic opportunity and a decisive tilt westward towards Europe and the United States.

Today, Georgia is still navigating a difficult course between East and West, as its war with neighboring Russia in August proved. VOA Correspondent Sonja Pace was recently in Georgia visiting cities, villages and areas once in the frontline of the fighting. She talked with those directly affected by the war and those fortunate enough to have been away from the shooting and shelling.

A short overview of events in Georgia
over the past few years by VOA's Sonja Pace


Click on cities to see Sonja Pace's reports filed from Georgia 

(object placeholder)




Click on dots to read about events in the timeline
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Click picture to see slide show of
Rose Revolution
Georgia Rose Revolution
Georgia Rose Revolution

Click picture to see slide show
of Georgia-Russian War
Georgia Russian Invasion
August 2008 War


VOA Reports on the Rose Revolution
and the 2008 Georgia-Russia War
VOA Reports on Recent Events about Georgia