
Africa News & Features

06 May 2009 

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Climate Change in Africa:  How best to adapt


Africa React to Pope's Visit to the US:  Catholicism in Africa and the US:  similarities and differences.

Implication of Failed and Weak States:  Failed states threaten global security, need external aid but not imposed democracy 

Investing in Africa's Infrastructure:  the key to economic prosperity

Zimbabwe Elections Outlook

Somaliland Today:  Independence a high priority

Sanctions:  a mixed track record

African Women:  Challenges and Successes

Niger Rebels

President Bush Travels to Africa

Underlying Causes of the Kenya Crisis

World Economic Forum

Development Heroes, Part two

The Politics of Oil

New Developments in Sudan's Media

Africa's Status in AIDS Global Update

Progress to date, challenges remaining

Challenges Facing Peace in Southern Sudan

Analysts, observers and SPLM officials look at the future in Southern Sudan


A look the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief on the continent

Botswana: An African Success Story

President Festus Mogae on good governance, HIV/AIDS, economy et al

Sierra Leone Elections: 

12 day limit to compile results

Women's roles in Liberia's reconstruction

Women in the country rising to prominence

African Universities:

A look at some of the challenges facing the continent's institutions of higher learning

African Authors:

Five authors offer first hand account of conflict in Africa

Mental Health Care in Africa

How Africa is coping with an often over-looked aspect of good overall health

African Women Film Makers:

Africa on prominent display at recent film festival in Texas

Wildlife Verses Humans

Are there enough natural resources for both?


Chadians displaced by fighting along border with Sudan

China's Evolving Relationship With Africa

Africa's Natural Resources and Chinese Investment Define Complimentary Relationship

Africa's Indigenous people

Who are they are and the problems they face

Dafur Crisis

The debate:  how to stop the violence in western Sudan


Challenges and issues of the April 23rd polls

Involving Africa's small scale producers in trade and food policies

African Women's Changing Family Role
Women fight for marriage, divorce and inheritance rights

Liberia Seeks Foreign Investment
A detailed look at the drive to rebuild the country's economy

Ghana: 50 Years After Independence

Aging in Africa

AIDS in Africa


Climate Change in Africa:  how best to adapt

Africa React to Pope's Visit to the US:  Catholicism in Africa and the US:  similarities and differences.

Implication of Failed and Weak States:  Failed states threaten global security, need external aid but not imposed democracy 

Investing in Africa's Infrastructure:  the key to economic prosperity

Zimbabwe Elections Outlook

Somaliland Today:  Independence a high priority

Sanctions:  a mixed track record

African Women:  Challenges and Successes

Niger Rebels

President Bush Travels to Africa

Underlying Causes of the Kenya Crisis

World Economic Forum

Development Heroes, Part two

The Politics of Oil

New Developments in Sudan's Media

Africa's Status in AIDS Global Update

Progress to date, challenges remaining

Challenges Facing Peace in Southern Sudan

Analysts, observers and SPLM officials look at the future in Southern Sudan


A look the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief on the continent

Botswana: An African Success Story

President Festus Mogae on good governance, HIV/AIDS, economy et al

Sierra Leone Elections: 

12 day limit to compile results

Women's roles in Liberia's reconstruction

Women in the country rising to prominence

African Universities:

A look at some of the challenges facing the continent's institutions of higher learning

African Authors:

Five authors offer first hand account of conflict in Africa

Mental Health Care in Africa

How Africa is coping with an often over-looked aspect of good overall health

African Women Film Makers:

Africa on prominent display at recent film festival in Texas

Wildlife Verses Humans

Are there enough natural resources for both?


Chadians displaced by fighting along border with Sudan

China's Evolving Relationship With Africa

Africa's Natural Resources and Chinese Investment Define Complimentary Relationship

Africa's Indigenous people

Who are they are and the problems they face

Dafur Crisis

The debate:  how to stop the violence in western Sudan


Challenges and issues of the April 23rd polls

Involving Africa's small scale producers in trade and food policies

African Women's Changing Family Role
Women fight for marriage, divorce and inheritance rights

Liberia Seeks Foreign Investment
A detailed look at the drive to rebuild the country's economy

Ghana: 50 Years After Independence

Aging in Africa

AIDS in Africa