Prices as of December 12, 2004

Aerial Photographs

Aerial Photographs are usually exposed at scales from 1:10,000 to 1:50,000, varying slightly due to such factors as shrinkage or expansion of the paper caused by atmospheric conditions, uncertainty in the reported flight altitude, and ground relief. The ground area varies with the scale as follows:





5.2 sq. km (2.0 sq. mi.)

2.29 km (1.42 mi.)


7.5 sq. km (2.9 sq. mi.)

2.74 km (1.70 mi.)


20.9 sq. km (8.1 sq. mi.)

4.57 km (2.84 mi.)


47.1 sq. km (18.1 sq. mi.)

6.86 km (4.26 mi.)


83.5 sq. km (32.3 sq. mi.)

9.14 km (5.68 mi.)


130.6 sq. km (50.4 sq. mi.)

11.43 km (7.10 mi.)

Photographs are indexed on 1:250,000-scale base maps, with a dot indicating the center position of each individual exposure. The first and last exposure of a line, and several in between, are labeled. Aerial photographs covering approximately 920 of the largest airports in the United States and its possessions are also available and are priced according to the schedules below. These are normally black-and-white photographs exposed at a contact scale of approximately 1:30,000.

Black-and-White Photographs: Prices of contact prints, film positives or negatives, and enlargements are the same for black-and-white and black-and-white infrared photographs. They are printed on medium-weight glossy paper, unless medium-weight matte is specified.


Size (cm)

Size (in)


Paper Contact Print 

23 x 23 

9 x 9

$11 each

Film Positive 

23 x 23 

9 x 9

$18 each

Film Negative 

23 x 23 

9 x 9

$16 each

Paper 2x Enlargement 

46 x 46 

18 x 18

$40 each

Paper 3x Enlargement 

69 x 69 

27 x 27

$52 each

Paper 4x Enlargement 

91 x 91 

36 x 36

$88 each

Color Photographs: Before 1987, most NOAA color aerial photographs were exposed on color positive film. Since then, most have been exposed on color negative film. Prices of contact prints, film positives or negatives, and enlargements are the same for natural color and false-color infrared photographs. All color photographs are printed on glossy-finish material, unless semi-matte is specified.


Size (cm)

Size (in)


Paper Contact Print 

23 x 23 

9 x 9

$46 each

Film Positive 

23 x 23 

9 x 9

$28 each

Paper 2x Enlargement 

46 x 46 

18 x 18

$85 each

Paper 3x Enlargement 

69 x 69 

27 x 27

$92 each

Paper 4x Enlargement 

91 x 91 

36 x 36

$145 each

Duplicate Negative

23 x 23

9 x 9

$40 each


Digital Images

First Image on CD-ROM

Each Image Thereafter on CD-ROM

Digital Imagery 100 DPI (color), on CD capable of holding 215 exposures



Digital Imagery 100 DPI (black/white), on CD capable of holding 645 exposures



Digital Imagery 25 microns (color), on CD capable of holding 2 exposures



Digital Imagery 25 microns (B&W), on CD capable of holding 6 exposures



Digital Imagery 500 dpi (color), on CD capable of holding 9 exposures



Digital Imagery 500 dpi (black/white), on CD capable of holding 27 exposures



Please describe the area of interest by latitude and longitude, a detailed description or sketch, or by the photograph number. Orders are usually filled within 30 days. Photo reproductions (prints, film positives, and negatives) are custom processed and cannot be returned for credit or refund. This includes customer-misordered reproductions. No discount is offered for quantity purchases.

Research: The photo order includes the first 15 minutes of research. Additional research time costs $46 per hour, or any part of an hour. Certifications: Certifications authenticating copies of aerial photographs cost an additional $124 each.

For more information, please contact:
NOAA, National Ocean Service, N/NGS12,
1315 East-West Highway, Station 9358, Silver Spring, MD 20910-3282,
Telephone: 301-713-2692; Fax: 301-713-4176,