State Plane Coordinates

The State Plane Coordinate system provides coordinates
on a flat grid for easy computation while maintaining
a difference between geodetic and grid distance of
one part in 10,000 or better.

The State Plane Coordinate system divides the U.S. into
a hundred or more distinct grid surfaces (Zones).

Do not mix coordinates from one Zone with that in another.
In you need to cross Zone boundaries, use Geodetic Positions.

The utilities in this package provide methods for converting
between Geodetic Positions and State Plane Coordinates
or for finding an SPC Zone.

For more information about the State Plane Coordinate System contact:
The National Geodetic Survey Information Services Branch
phone: (301) 713-3242; Fax:(301) 713-4172 [Mon.-Fri., 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST]

See the text version of an article about computing State Plane Coordinates that appeared in the Professional Surveyor magazine, January 2004 Volume 24, Number 1