In order: *White Light Corona, *Hydrogen Alpha Disk at 656.3 nm, *Helium I Line at 1083 nm, *Calcium II K Line at 393 nm. Click image for larger view. The images above represent the latest data from the instruments at Mauna Loa Solar Observatory.

Topics in HAO

HAO Science Highlights:

HAO studies sunspot cycles--We're now in the lull between the end of one 11-year sunspot cycle and the start of the next, but it's never quiet on the solar front at NCAR, whose High Altitude Observatory has been studying the Sun for over six decades.
> more.

Upcomming Workshops:

The 2009 CEDAR Workshop will be held in Santa Fe, NM from Sunday, June 28 to Thursday July 2. Over 100 graduate and undergraduate students get NSF travel funds to attend the annual CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions) Workshop that focuses on the the Earth's upper atmosphere and its interactions with the magnetosphere and lower atmosphere. A student poster competition is held every year. There are several tutorial talks, two poster sessions, and multiple concurrent workshops. The first annual CEDAR Distinguished Lecture will be given by Dr. Ray Roble of HAO/NCAR on Wednesday June 30. >> more.

People Highlights:

HAO Welcomes Back
Teresa Rivas

Teresa is the new Admin. II who will be working with you on proposals, budgets, and other miscellaneous tasks. She and her husband, Guadalupe, are the parents of 5 boys and the grandparents of 4 boys and 2 girls. Teresa is not new to HAO, having started her tenure with NCAR at HAO in 1976...
> more

Special Awards:

Tzu-Wei Fang, a Ph.D. student of Dr. Richmond, attended the 2008 Fall American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco. While there she received an Outstanding Student Paper Award for her presentation in Space Physics and Aeronomy. Titled "Spatial Variation of the Pre-reversal Enhancement -- Model Results", the research uses the NCAR Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIE-GCM) to demonstrate the current system of Earth's ionosphere. By improving the electrodynamic calculation in the TIE-GCM, one of the most important phenomena at equatorial ionosphere "Pre-reversal Enhancement (sudden enhancement of upward plasma drift during post sunset period)" is examined. The calculation also benifits daytime ionospheric research.