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  Scientific & Technical Publications
Alaska Region—1994 to Present

Titles are listed alphabetically below; links are provided to abstracts or full text when available. These files can be downloaded and read using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

To order copies, contact either the Alaska Region or the National Technical Information Service listed in each citation:

Alaska Region (AK)
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Acoustic effects of oil production activities on bowhead and white whales visible during spring migration near Pt. Barrow, Alaska—1991 and 1994 phases: Sound propagation and whale responses to playbacks of icebreaker noise.
W.J. Richardson et al. LGL Ltd. Environmental Research Associates et al. 1995. U.S. DOI. 539 p. Available from AK as loan copy only. OCS Study, MMS 95-0051

Aerial surveys of endangered whales in the Beaufort Sea. S.D. Treacy. Minerals Management Service and National Marine Fisheries Service. U.S. DOI. Available from AK or from NTIS. OCS Study:
        fall 1993. 1994. 133 p. (NTIS PB95-148409) MMS 94-0032
        fall 1994. [1995] 116 p. (NTIS PB96-185681) MMS 95-0033
        fall 1995. 1996. 121 p. (NTIS PB97-115752) MMS 96-0006 
        fall 1996. 1997. 114 p. (NTIS PB97-194690) MMS 97-0016
        fall 1997. 1998. 143 p. (NTIS PB99-134033) MMS 98-0059
fall 1998-1999. 2000. 135 p. Available from AK. MMS 2000-066
       fall 2000.  2002. 106 p. MMS 2002-014

Alaska frozen tissue collection and associated electronic database: A resource for marine biotechnology, final report. J.A. Cook et al. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Coastal Marine Institute (CMI). 1999. U.S. DOI. 23 p. Available from AK, or from University of Alaska, Fairbanks, or from NTIS PB99-142812. OCS Study, MMS 99-0008.

ANIMIDA Phase I: Ambient and industrial noise measurements near the Northstar and Liberty sites during April 2000, final report. G.W. Shepard et al. BBN Technologies. 2001. U.S. DOI. 66 p. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 2001-047

Annual variation in seabird attendance and productivity on east Amatuli Island, Barren Islands, Alaska: Natural and human-induced effects. P.D. Boersma et al. University of Washington, Seattle, Dept. of Zoology. 1997. U.S. DOI. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 96-0005

Application of remote methods of large cetacean tracking: Bowhead whales. B.R. Mate et al. Oregon State University, Hatfield Marine Science Center. 1995. U.S. DOI. 224 p. Available from NTIS PB96-185731. OCS Study, MMS 95-0053

Arctic kelp workshop, May 12, 1998, Anchorage, Alaska, proceedings. Thomas Newberry. MBC Applied Environmental Sciences. 1998. U.S. DOI. 30 p. Available from NTIS PB98-132269. OCS Study, MMS 98-0038

Arctic seismic synthesis and mitigating measures workshop, March 5 and 6, 1997, Barrow, Alaska, proceedings. Tom Newbury et al. MBC Applied Environmental Sciences. 1997. U.S. DOI. 170 p. (AK) Available from NTIS PB98-132269. OCS Study, MMS 97-0014

Arctic synthesis meeting, October 23 to 25, 1995, Anchorage, Alaska, proceedings. K.L. Mitchell et al. MBC Applied Environmental Sciences. 1996. U.S. DOI. 216 p. Available from AK or from NTIS PB97-105449. OCS Study, MMS 95-0065

Beaufort Sea information update meeting, March 28-29, 2000, Inupiat Heritage Center, Barrow, Alaska, proceedings. MBC Applied Environmental Sciences. U.S. DOI. 35 p. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 2000-023

Beaufort Sea nearshore under-ice currents: Science, analysis, and logistics. T.J. Weingartner et al. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Coastal Institute of Marine Science. 2001. U.S. DOI. 22 p. Available from AK or from the Coastal Institute of Marine Science at OCS Study, MMS 2001-068

Beaufort Sea planning area oil and gas lease sale 144.
Minerals Management Service. U.S. DOI. Available from AK. OCS EIS/EA:
        draft environmental impact statement. 1995. MMS 95-0043
        final environmental impact statement. 1996. 2 vol. MMS 96-0012

Beaufort Sea planning area oil and gas lease sale 170. Minerals Management Service. U.S. DOI. (AK) OCS EIS/EA:
       draft environmental impact statement. 1997. 368 p. Available from AK as reading copy only. MMS 97-0011
       final environmental impact statement. 1998. 645 p. Available from NTIS DE98-002900INZ. MMS 98-0007


Circulation on the northcentral Chukchi Sea shelf. T.S. Weingartner. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Coastal Marine Institute. 1998. U.S. DOI. 39 p. Available from AK, or from University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Coastal Marine Institute, or from NTIS PB98-173412. OCS Study, MMS 98-0026

Coastal Marine Institute annual report, No. 5, fiscal year 1998. Vera Alexander. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute (CMI). 1998. U.S. DOI. 72 p. Available from University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Coastal Marine Institute, Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-7220. OCS Study, MMS 98-0062.

Commercial fishing industry of the Gulf of Alaska.
Patrick Burden et al. Northern Economics et al. 1994. U.S. DOI. 320 p. Available from NTIS PB95-193348. OCS Study, MMS 94-0048

Concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and other elements in tissues banked by the Alaska Marine Mammal Tissue Archival Project. P.R. Becker et al. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration et al. 1995. U.S. DOI. 115 p. Available from AK, contact for distributor's name and address. OCS Study, MMS 95-0036

Cook Inlet oceanography workshop, 9 November 1999, Kenai, Alaska, proceedings. M.A. Johnson et al., eds. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Institute of Marine Science et al. 1999. U.S. DOI. 118 p. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 2000-043

Cook Inlet planning area oil and gas lease sale 149.
Minerals Management Service. U.S. DOI. Available from AK as loan copy only. OCS EIS/EA:
        draft environmental impact statement. 1995. 2 vol. MMS 94-0066
        final environmental impact statement. 1996. MMS 95-0066

Coupled sea-ice/ocean circulation model, technical manual, version 1. K.S. Hedstrom. Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University. 1994. U.S. DOI. 117 p. Available from AK or from NTIS PB95-181343. OCS Study, MMS 94-0020

COZOIL user's manual, version 1.1 (Coastal Zone Oil Spill Model), improvement of model and linkage to graphical user interface. Eoin Howlett. Applied Science Associates, Inc. 1998. U.S. DOI. 50 p. Available from NTIS PB98-502073. OCS Study, MMS 98-0014

Current water quality in Cook Inlet, Alaska, study. Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska, Anchorage. 1995. U.S. DOI. 146 p. Available from NTIS PB 95-267019. OCS Study, MMS 95-0009

Defining habitats for juvenile groundfishes in southcentral Alaska with emphasis on flatfishes. Vol. 1, final report. B.L. Norcross. University of Alaska, Institute of Marine Sciences. 1998. U.S. DOI. 113 p. Available from NTIS PB98-170442. OCS Study, MMS 97-0046

Distribution of Cook Inlet beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in winter. D.J. Hansen et al. Minerals Management Service. 1999. U.S. DOI. 30 p. Available from AK or from NTIS PB99-169013. OCS Study, MMS 99-0024

Economic and social effects of the oil industry in Alaska, 1975-1995. McDowell Group, Inc. 1999. U.S. DOI. 2 vols. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 99-0041

Economic assessment of the sport fisheries for Halibut and Chinook and Coho salmon in lower and central Cook Inlet, An. Mark Herrmann et al. University of Alaska, Fairbanks et al. 2001. U.S. DOI. 145 p. (AK) Available on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2000-061

Endowments of undiscovered conventionally recoverable and economically recoverable oil and gas in the Alaska Federal offshore, as of January 1995. K.W. Sherwood, J.D. Craig, and L.W. Cooke. 1996. U.S. DOI. 17 p. Available from AK. OCS Report, MMS 96-0033  

Estimates of marine bird and sea otter abundance in lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, during summer 1993 and winter 1994. B.A. Agler et al. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska. 1995. U.S. DOI. 124 p. Available from NTIS PB96-185723. OCS Study, MMS 94-0063

Estimation of oil spill risk from Alaska North Slope, trans-Alaska pipeline, and arctic Canada oil spill data sets. J.L. Mach et al. Hart Associates, Inc. U.S. DOI. 147 p. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 2000-007

Evaluation of sub-sea physical environmental data for the Beaufort Sea OCS and incorporation into a geographic information system (GIS) databasse. W.L. Horowitz. 2002. U.S. DOI. Available from AK as CD ROM or as web file.OCS Study, MMS 2002-017

Exxon Valdez oil spill, cleanup, and litigation: A collection of social impacts information and analysis. J.C. Russell et al. Impact Assessment, Inc. 2001. U.S. DOI. 376 p. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 2001-058


Feeding ecology of maturing Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynckus Nerka) in nearshore waters of the Kodiak Archipelago. A.V. Tyler et al. University of Alaska, Fairbanks et al. 2001. U.S. DOI. 40 p. (AK) Available on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2001-059

Forage fish assessment in Cook Inlet oil and gas development areas, 1997-1998.
R.G. Fechhelm et al. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. et al. 1999. U.S. DOI. 146 p. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 99-0039

Geological, geochemical, and operational summary, Aurora well, OCS Y-0943-1, Beaufort Sea, Alaska. L.E. Paul, ed., D.R. Choromanski, R.F. Turner, and T.O. Flett. 1994. U.S. DOI. 71 p. Available from NTIS PB94-140928. OCS Report, MMS 94-0001

Gulf of Alaska/Yakutat planning area oil and gas lease sale 158, draft environmental impact statement. Minerals Management Service. 1995. U.S. DOI. 618 p. Available from AK as loan copy only (misnumbered on cover). OCS EIS/EA, MMS 95-0054

Historical changes in trace metals and hydrocarbons in the inner shelf sediments, Beaufort Sea: Prior and subsequent to petroleum-related industrial developments. A.S. Naidu et al. 2001. U.S. DOI. 80 p. Available from AK or from NTIS: PB2001-108537. OCS Report, MMS 2001-061

Information transfer meeting, seventh,  Anchorage, Alaska. MBC Applied Environmental Sciences. 1999. U.S. DOI. 58 p. Available from AK or from NTIS PB99-169070. OCS Study, MMS 99-0022.

Information transfer meeting,  Alaska OCS Region. U.S. DOI. (AK) Available on the web. OCS Study:
January 19-21, 1999,
proceedings. 56 p. MMS 99-0022
   eighth,  April 3-5, 2001, proceedings.
Applied Environmental Sciences. 2001. 41 p. MMS 2001-049

Interaction between marine humic matter and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in lower Cook Inlet and Port Valdez, Alaska. David Show et al. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute.1998. U.S. DOI. 27 p. Available from AK, or from University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Coastal Marine Institute, or from NTIS PB99-106288. OCS Study, MMS 98-0033

International conference on arctic margins, 1992 proceedings, Anchorage, Alaska, September 1992. D.K. Thurston and Kazuya Fujita, eds. 1994. U.S. DOI. 408 p. Available from AK as loan copy only. OCS Study, MMS 94-0040

Intertidal and subtidal effects of pollution: Assessment of top-trophic level predators as bioindicators, final report. L.K. Duffy et al. Institute of Arctic Biology at University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Coastal Marine Institute. 1998. U.S. DOI. 62 p. Available from NTIS PB98-155906. OCS Study, MMS 97-0008

Investigation of the sociocultural consequences of Outer Continental Shelf development in Alaska. J.A. Fall. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1995. U.S. DOI. Available from AK in Microsoft Word format only. OCS Study:
        I, Introduction. 315 p. MMS 95-0010
        II, Prince William Sound. 420 p. MMS 95-0011
        III, lower Cook Inlet. 1,112 p. MMS 95-0012
        IV, Kodiak Island.
400 p. MMS 95-0013
        V, Alaska Peninsula and arctic. 530 p. MMS 95-0014
        VI, discussion and conclusions. 240 p. MMS 95-0015

Kachemak Bay experimental and monitoring studies: Recruitment, succession, and recovery in seasonally disturbed rocky-intertidal habitat. R.C. Highsmith et al. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Coastal Marine Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. 66 p. Available from AK or from the Coastal Institute of Marine Science at OCS Study, MMS 2001-053

Liberty development and production plan, draft environmental impact statement. Minerals Management Service. 2000. U.S. DOI. 2 vols. Available from AK. OCS EIS/EA
        text. MMS 2001-001
        executive summary. 69 p. MMS 2001-002

Limited investigation into the relationship of diet to the habitat preferences of juvenile flathead sole.
Brenda Norcras. Coastal Marine Institute (CMI). 1999. U.S. DOI. 27 p. Available from AK, or from University of Alaska Fairbanks, Coastal Marine Institute, or from NTIS PB99-169138. OCS Study, MMS 99-0025.

Long-term consequences of the Exxon Valdez oil spill for coastal communities of southcentral Alaska. J.A. Fall et al. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 2001. U.S. DOI. 348 p. (AK) Available on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2001-032


Mapping Cook Inlet rip tides using local knowledge and remote sensing. Beth Haley et al. LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. et al. 2000. U.S. DOI. 56 p. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 2000-025

Microbial degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons in marine sediments.
J.F. Braddock et al. Institute of Arctic Biology at University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Coastal Marine Institute. 1998. U.S. DOI. 82 p. Available from NTIS PB98-157654. OCS Study, MMS 97-0041

Model simulations of ocean/sea ice interaction in the western arctic in 1983. K.S. Hedstrom et al. Rutgers University. 1995. U.S. DOI. 83 p. Available from NTIS PB95-199550. OCS Study, MMS 95-0001

Modeling the circulation of the Chukchi Sea shelf. T.J. Weingartner et al. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Coastal Marine Institute. 1998. U.S. DOI. 74 p. Available from NTIS PB99-143216. OCS Study, MMS 98-0017

Monitoring populations and productivity of seabirds at colonies in lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska. 1995. U.S. DOI. OCS Study:
        1993 and 1994. Leslie Slater et al. 48 p. Available from NTIS PB96-185707.   MMS 95-0025
        1995. John Piatt et al. Contact AK for availability. MMS 96-0066

Monitoring seabird populations in areas of oil and gas development on the Alaskan Continental Shelf: A computerized pelagic seabird atlas for Alaska, June 2000, final report. J.F. Piatt et al. U.S. Geological Survey. 2001. U.S. DOI. 53 p. Available from John Piatt.  OCS Study, MMS 2000-072

North Slope amphidromy assessment.
T.C. Kline, Jr., et al. Prince William Sound Science Center et al. Coastal Marine Institute. 1998. U.S. DOI. 25 p. Available from NTIS PB98-155948. OCS Study, MMS 98-0006

NPR-A symposium, science traditional knowledge, and the resources of the Northeast Planning Area of the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, April 16-18, 1997, Anchorage, Alaska, proceedings. Thomas Newbury. Minerals Management Service and the Bureau of Land Management. 1997. U.S. DOI. 134 p. Available from NTIS PB98-132251. OCS Study, MMS 97-0013

Numerical simulation of atmosphere/ocean/sea ice interaction in the Arctic Ocean: 1982-1996. D.B. Haidvogel et al. Rutgers University, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences. 2001. U.S. DOI. 62 p. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 2001-069

Physical-biological numerical modeling on Alaskan arctic shelves. H.J. Niebauer. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Coastal Marine Institute. 2000. U.S. DOI. 84 p. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 2000-041

Recruitment of juvenile flatfishes in Alaska habitat preference near Kodiak Island, final study report.
B.L. Norcross. Coastal Marine Institute, University of Alaska, Anchorage. 1995. U.S. DOI. 2 vol. Available from NTIS: vol.1, PB97-105571; vol.2, PB97-105589. OCS Study, MMS 96-0003

Revision of MMS offshore continental shelf oil-weathering model: Evaluation. Mark Reed et al. SINTEF Applied Chemistry. 1998. U.S. DOI. 135 p. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 98-0058

Satellite-tagging of spotted seals (Phoca largha) at Kasegaluk Lagoon, Alaska, 1992-1993. L.F. Lowry et al. Alaska Department of Fish and Game et al. 1994. U.S. DOI. 23 p. Available from NTIS PB96-105770. OCS Study, MMS 94-0067

Seabird tissue archival and monitoring project: Protocol for collecting and banking seabird eggs. G.W. York et al. National Institute of Standards and Technology. 2001. U.S. DOI. 23 p. Available from AK or from NTIS: PB2001-105098. OCS Study, MMS 2001-031

Sea otter surveys of Yakutat Bay and adjacent Gulf of Alaska coastal areas. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Marine Mammals, Alaska. U.S. DOI. (AK) OCS Study:
     Cape Hinchinbrook to Cape Spencer 1995-1996. Angela Doroff et al. 1998.  49 p. Available from AK or from NTIS PB98-126410. MMS 97-0026
     Cape Suckling to Cape Spencer, 1995. 1997. Contact AK for availability. OCS Study, MMS 96-0032

Seasonal movements and pelagic habitat use of Murres determined by satellite telemetry. P.M. Meyers et al. U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center. [2001]. U.S. DOI. 59 p. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 2001-040

Seasonal shorebird use of intertidal habitats in Cook Inlet Alaska: Final report. R.E. Gill et al. U.S. Geological Survey-BRD. 1999. U.S. DOI. 55 p. Available from USGS-BRD, Alaska Biological Science Center, 1011 E. Tudor Rd., Anchorage, AK 99503. OCS Study, MMS 99-0012


Sediment quality in depositional areas of Shelikof Strait and outermost Cook Inlet. U.S. DOI. (AK) OCS Study:
          final literature synthesis.
P.D. Boehm et al. Arthur D. Little, Inc. 1998. 68 p. Available from NTIS: PB98-138415. MMS 97-0015
          sediment profile imaging report. Arthur D. Little, Inc., et al. 1998. 48 p. Available from NTIS: PB99-137572. MMS 99-0003
          final report. Arthur D. Little, Inc. 2001. 345 p. Available on the web. MMS 2000-024

Social indicators monitoring study peer review workshop proceedings. MBC Applied Environmental Sciences. 1996. U.S. DOI. 117 p. Available from NTIS PB97-123400. OCS Study, MMS 96-0053

Social indicators study of Alaskan coastal villages. VI, analysis of the Exxon Valdez spill area, 1988-1992. J.G. Jorgensen. Human Relations Area File, Inc. 1995. U.S. DOI. 638 p. Available from AK as loan copy only. OCS Study, MMS 94-0064

Study of late summer and fall movements and dive behavior of Beaufort Sea belugas, using satellite telemetry: 1997. P.R. Richard et al. Fisheries & Oceans, Arctic Research Division. 1998. U.S. DOI. 25 p. Available from NTIS PB99-119794. OCS Study, MMS 98-0016

Study of the adsorption of aromatic hydrocarbons by marine sediments. S. Henrichs et al. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Coastal Marine Institute. 1998. U.S. DOI. 78 p. Available from NTIS PB98-118573. OCS Study, MMS 97-0002

Technical manual for a coupled sea-ice/ocean circulation model (version 2). K.S. Hedstrom. Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University. 2000. U.S. DOI. 130 p. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 2000-047

Testing conceptual models of marine mammal trophic dynamics using carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios.
  D.M. Schell. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Coastal Marine Institute (CMI). U.S. DOI.  OCS Study:
          1997. 1997. Contact AK for availability. MMS 96-0011
          1998. 1998. 137 p. Available from NTIS PB99-116733. MMS 98-0031

Undiscovered oil & gas resources, Alaska Federal offshore, as of January 1995. Kirk Sherwood. 1998. U.S. DOI. 531 p. Available from HDQRS. OCS Monograph, MMS 98-0054

University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute annual report. University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute. U.S. DOI. Available from NTIS. OCS Study:
         No. 2, fiscal year 1995. 1995. 122 p. NTIS PB96-185715. MMS 95-0057
         No. 3, fiscal year 1996. 1997. 191 p. NTIS PB97-161996. MMS 97-0001
         No. 4, fiscal year 1997. 1998. 81 p. NTIS PB98-140742. MMS 98-0005
         No. 5, fiscal year 1998. 1998. 72 p. Available from Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks, Coastal 
             Marine Institute. MMS 98-0062
         No. 6, fiscal year 1999. 2000.  Available from AK. MMS 2000-046
        fiscal year 2000. 2000. 92 p. Available from AK. MMS 2000-070

User manual for the COZOIL graphic user interface (GUI).
Systems Solution. U.S. DOI. Contact AK for availability. OCS Study, MMS 95-0018

Wind field representations and their effect on shelf circulation models: A case study in the Chukchi Sea. A.Y. Proshutinsky et al. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Coastal Marine Institute. 2000. U.S. DOI. 136 p. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 2000-011

Last Updated:  11/05/2008, 12:25 PM

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