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Last Updated: September 23, 2008

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Useful Links from the Florida Keys

Coral Reefs

NOAA Coral Reef Information System (CoRIS)
NOAA's Coral Reef Information System (CoRIS) is designed to be a single point of access to NOAA coral reef information and data products, especially those derived from NOAA's Coral Reef Initiative Program. CoRIS will evolve and grow in the months ahead to encompass an ever widening array of product and information offerings.

NOAAs Coral Reef homepage
Welcome to NOAA's Coral Reef online. Here you can find a wealth of information about coral reefs, the rain forests of the sea. Dive in and see nature's treasures in the ocean.

Coral Reef Watch: Tropical Ocean Coral Bleaching Indices

Coral Health and Monitoring Program
The mission of the Coral Health and Monitoring Program is to provide services to help improve and sustain coral reef health throughout the world.

The Reef Education Network
The Reef Education Network webpage is produced by the University of Sydney and TechTalk Australia. The REN will help you unlock some of the myseteries of the watery wonderlands we know as reefs.

Coral Diseases
This page includes new information on red-band disease in sea fans, and tumors and other skeletal anomalies, as well as updated information and photographs regarding rapid wasting. There is also an updated off-line version of the page, which is designed as an aid to field researchers and once downloaded as it does not require access to the web.

The International Coral Reef Innitiative (ICRI)
The International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) is a partnership among nations and organisations seeking to implement Chapter 17 of Agenda 21, and other international Conventions and agreements for the benefit of coral reefs and related ecosystems. The Initiative was established in order to stop and reverse the global degradation of coral reefs and related ecosystems. The ICRI partnership and approach thus far has been to mobilise governments and a wide range of other stakeholders in an effort to improve management practices, increase capacity and political support, and share information on the health of these ecosystems.

The International Society for Reef Studies (ISRS)
The ISRS consists of over 750 members in over 50 countries worldwide, and was founded in 1981 for the purpose of promoting, for the benefit of the public, the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge and understanding of coral reefs, both living and fossil. To achieve its objectives the Society collaborates with Springer to produce the quarterly journal Coral Reefs. This large-format journal is issued free of charge to all members of the Society, and concentrates on quantitative and theoretical coral reef studies, including experimental and laboratory work, and modeling. The Society also holds annual meetings and co-sponsors other gatherings, prints and distributes the newsletter Reef Encounter, and raises funds and receives contributions by way of subscriptions and donations. ISRS scientific consensus statements on coral bleaching and coral diseases, developed within the ISRS Council are now posted on the ISRS home page.

U.S. Coral Reef Task Force homepage
President Clinton issued Executive Order 13089 on Coral Reef Protection on June 11, 1998, as part of the Monterey National Ocean Conference. The order establishes the interagency U.S. Coral Reef Task Force, co-chaired by the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce through the Administrator of NOAA, and also directed initiatives in international coral reef protection through leadership of the Secretary of State and the Administrator of the Agency for International Development.

Coral bleaching and sea surface temperature information:

The Florida Marine Research Institute's coral web page
This page features a new taxonomic list of the stony corals (with pictures) observed by the Coral Reef / Hardbottom Monitoring Project in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. This U.S.E.P.A. funded monitoring project has been in existence since 1994, and has collected over 12,000 stony coral species records and has analyzed over one half million points during image analysis from framegrabbed Hi-8 video. This taxonomic list page is a digital version of our Coral Identification Guide used for training and Quality Control purposes. Principal Investigators on this project are Dr. Phil Dustan from University of Charleston, South Carolina, Dr. Jim Porter, University of Georgia, and Walt Jaap, Florida Marine Research Institute.

World Maps of Coral & Mangroves

Reefs at Risk
Reefs at Risk provides an indicator of the estimated threat to the worlds coral reefs.

Information on climate change and coral bleaching

Report on coral bleaching and climate change
This study has been extensively reviewed by climatologists and biologists and has been accepted for publication in Marine and Freshwater Research in their 50th ann issue (out in Nov 99).

International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management
ICLARM is an international research organization devoted to improving the productivity, management and conservation of aquatic resources for the benefit of users and consumers in developing countries.

Coral Reef Research Centre
Science for the ecologically sustainable use of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.

EPA Coral Reef Homepage

Coral Reef Action Atlas
The plight of the planet's coral reefsand how you can help.

Reef Relief

Catalogue of coral reef & marine science topic publications

List of coral monitoring methods

The Waikiki Aquarium:
The Waikiki Aquarium now has a live camera on our web site focused on three species of living corals: Montipora digitata, Acropora elseyi, and Acropora sp. There is a metric ruler on the left side of the image to allow viewers to measure the daily growth rates of the corals (do they grow faster from dusk to dawn vs. during day light hours etc.). Go to the bottom of the screen and click on the "Corals Are Alive!" icon.

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