Flag Herbert Hoover Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum

Home Exhibits Hoover
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Curriculum Guides for Education

Plan a School Field Trip

Pre and Post Visit Activities for Elementary School Field Trips

Hoover Online Digital Archives Digital images of important Hoover documents

Lesson Plans | Hoover and the Economy | Biographical Sketch of Herbert Hoover, 1874-1964 | Biographical Sketch of Lou Henry Hoover | Hoovers in China | Hoover and Belgian Relief | Hoover and the Commission for Relief in Belgium | Hoover Dam 1920 - 2000 | Hoover and the Depression | Hoover and Truman

Presidential TimeLine - Explore the lives and administrations of twelve Presidents of the United States.

Hoover Wore Many Hats"Hoover Wore Many Hats," an interactive game for children of all ages. Play the game!

Hoover's Cross-Country Adventure Hoover's Cross-Country Adventure
Drive your car across the USA by answering state trivia.
Have fun and learn along the way!
Play the game!
(This game works best with Macromedia's Flash Player. Download the free Flash Player from Macromedia.)

Herbert Hoover: A Life of Service (Teacher's Guide)

A Biographical Sketch of Herbert Hoover (Middle and High School Students)

A Biographical Sketch of Lou Henry Hoover (Middle and High School Students)

A Chronology of Herbert Hoover Sequences President Hoover's accomplishments alongside world events from his birth until his death.

Laura Ingalls Wilder Information for teachers and students.

Presidential Cartoons How the artist portrays the President's accomplishments through illustration.

Hoover-Ball! A combination of tennis, volleyball and medicine ball.

A Boyhood In Iowa An excerpt taken from an informal address before the Iowa Society of Washington

Gram's Trunk A story and activities to motivate students to investigate history (K-8th)

Reading List A recommended list of materials for all ages.

Hoover Library Resources for National History Day Projects

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum
210 Parkside Drive
West Branch, IA 52358