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New York/New Jersey Electronic Crimes Task Force

Electronic Crimes Task Force image - New York
The New York/New Jersey Electronic Crimes Task Force (NYECTF) is a strategic alliance of the U.S. Secret Service, private industry, academia and other local, state, federal and international law enforcement officials working together to protect the nation's critical infrastructure. The task force uses the latest in high-tech equipment to deter, detect and respond to criminal threats.

About the NYECTF
The New York Electronic Crimes Task Force was created in 1995, the first of the U.S. Secret Service's now nationwide network of task forces and working groups. Since then, ECTFs have been                                               established in another 23 offices throughout the United States.

In 2006, the New York Electronic Crimes Task Force merged with the Newark Electronic Crimes Working Group to form the New York/New Jersey Electronic Crimes Task Force. This combined entity enhances cooperation between law enforcement and corporations in the greater New York and New Jersey areas to combat electronic crimes.

Investigations conducted by the U.S. Secret Service through the ECTFs include crimes such as:

  • Computer generated counterfeit currency
  • Bank fraud
  • Counterfeit checks
  • Credit card fraud
  • Virus and worm proliferation
  • Access device fraud
  • Telecommunications fraud
  • Internet threats
  • Computer system intrusions and cyber-attacks
  • Phishing/spoofing
  • Assistance with internet related child pornography and exploitation
  • CD/DVD piracy
  • Terrorism/terrorist financing nexus
  • Identity theft
Along with conducting criminal investigations and protecting the nation's critical infrastructure, the task force conducts a variety of practical training and information sessions in an effort to support its mission.

The task force regularly organizes Quarterly Meetings of the task force members to share case studies and recent trends in cyber crimes, explore new technologies in the field, establish new relationships and strengthen existing ones, and to discuss new methods to advance efforts to protect the nation's critical infrastructure from cyber-attacks, computer intrusions and acts of terrorism. Current task force members, as well as guest speakers from around the world, are invited to make presentations at these meetings.

The Secret Service believes that training is an essential element in fighting electronic crimes and maintaining the highest level of proficiency amidst ever-changing technology. Since its inception, more than 31,000 law enforcement personnel, prosecutors and private industry representatives have been trained in the area of electronic crimes. Training sessions are conducted on a regular basis for law enforcement and members of the private sector in the New York area and nationwide.
Meeting Information
For information regarding the next quarterly meeting of the New York/New Jersey Electronic Crimes Task Force, contact the U.S. Secret Service, New York Field Office.

Contact Information
New York Electronic Crimes Task Force
Phone: 718-840-1220
Fax: 718-840-1229

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