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NOAA and California HAB Research Community Make Progress in Building a State-Wide Harmful Algal Bloom Alert Network

At the Regional Workshop for HABs in California Coastal Waters this past April, CSCOR and its partners in the California harmful algal bloom (HAB) community including researchers, marine animal, public health and water quality managers agreed to work together to initiate the development of a statewide HAB alert system for California. Participants acknowledged the importance of creating a new system to improve the response of managers and scientists to HAB events, such as allowing for more rapid and targeted closures of shellfish beds and better management of impacted marine life. CSCOR efforts to understand and predict HAB events and assist the state and NOAA mitigate HAB impacts will benefit from data generated by this system. Since April, significant progress has been made to implement this vision including the formation of a steering committee, agreeing to name the new system the California HAB Monitoring and Alert Program (HABMAP), and creating a new statewide list serve that has opened new lines of communication about bloom-related observations, and the release of a final workshop report. The steering committee is spearheading efforts to complete additional key actions identified by workshop participants including developing a HABMAP website, conducting an inter-laboratory, intercalibration study of HAB detection and identification methods, and undertaking a regional data pilot study that builds on an existing regional project like MERHAB Cal-PREeMPT and working to raise awareness within California of the need to realize the vision of a statewide HAB alert system for California.

Follow the link for a PDF version of the California HABMAP report or contact Marc Suddleson for more information at 301-713-3338 ext 162 or


CSCOR HAB Research Partners in California:


Related CSCOR California HAB Information:

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