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International, Multi-disciplinary Workshop Convened to Develop Comprehensive Research Strategy for Much-neglected Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems

U.S. and international scientists and resource managers recently met during an inter-agency workshop sponsored by the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) that focused on mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs).  These light-dependent coral ecosystems are typically found in tropical and sub-tropical regions between 30 to 100+ meters in depth.  Recently, NCCOS researchers highlighted the lack of understanding of processes that regulate ecosystems at this depth realm  in a scientific journal publication.  The participants in the workshop assessed the state of knowledge on these ecosystems and indentified critical research needs.  NCCOS and its partners, NOAA’s National Undersea Research Program and the U.S. Geological Survey, will use the information gathered at the workshop to develop a comprehensive research strategy that will guide NOAA, other governmental agencies, and academia, as they explore these little-known coral ecosystems.  The MCE research strategy will directly lead to the effective management of these threatened, yet relatively pristine, warm water deep coral ecosystems. For more information, contact Felix Martinez at or Lara Hinderstein at