Start a Club

One of the most effective ways to be involved in your town or school community is to start a club. Clubs not only allow you to be active in a certain cause, sport, or interest you care a lot about, it's also a great way to bring people together and make new friends. By starting a club, you'll learn a lot about personal responsibility and leadership, too.

Starting a club may seem like a daunting task, but it is actually very flexible and fulfilling.

Step 1: Decide what you want to do.

After you choose your subject, you need to figure out the kinds of projects and events you want to sponsor and, if you raise money, where the proceeds will go. Do you want to focus on learning about a new topic or do you want to get out into community and work?

Step 2: Contact your organization headquarters or your school.

If you choose to start a branch of a national organization the next step would be contacting the organization headquarters. Your club can meet at school, in your local library or even in your own basement. If you choose to start your club in a place like school or town hall, make sure you have approval from administrators and that you all agree on a meeting place and time.

Step 3: Have the first meeting.

The final hurdle is getting the word out and getting people to join your club and come to your events. Put up fliers and make school announcements, get your friends to bring their friends, and tell your teachers or the leaders of community centers. During your first meeting explain your vision, what the club is about and what you want to do. Then get out there are do it! All the time and effort you put into your club will be a great experience for your future and will show off your leadership skills. It's also great preparation for service as a Peace Corps Volunteer, since much of what Volunteers do takes a lot of initiative.

Ideas for clubs:

Helping your peers:


Helping your community:

Helping the world:

Useful Documents: