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Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee

About the MPA Federal Advisory Committee
The Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Federal Advisory Committee is supported by the National Marine Protected Areas Center. It is made up of individuals with diverse backgrounds and experience, who represent parties interested in the use of MPAs as a management tool. Committee members, 30 in all, are appointed by the Secretary of Commerce, and serve for four-year terms. They represent a broad stakeholder community, including scientists, academia, commercial fishermen, anglers, divers, state and tribal resource managers, the energy and tourism industries, and environmentalists.

In addition, nine federal agencies are represented by non-voting ex-officio members of the committee.

The committee's role is to provide expert advice and recommendations to the Secretaries of Commerce and the Interior on implementation of aspects of Section 4 of Executive Order 13158, the heart of the national MPA initiative.

The committee functions solely as an advisory body, complying fully with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) of 1972 (5 U.S.C. App. 2).

The MPA Federal Advisory Committee's charter is renewed every two years. It details the committee's objectives, duties, terms and other requirements for members and the chairperson, and administrative provisions.

In-Depth Information about Current and Past Committees
You can find more details about the committee, recent and upcoming meetings, as well as an archive of previous committee documents on the following pages:

Committee Membership
Review the list and contact information of the 30 members, plus the nine federal (non-voting) ex-officio members.

Committee Products

Read brief biographies of each of the committee members.

Committee Structure
Learn about committee leadership, as well as the organization and membership of subcommittees.

Committee Meetings
All the details from meetings are found here: agendas, complete transcripts, minutes, presentations, and supporting documents.

Public Comment
Find links to oral and written comments from meetings, as well as guidelines for submitting public comments, for the public record, to the committee.

MPA Federal Advisory Committee History
You can learn about past activities and actions of the MPA Federal Advisory Committee here.

For More Information
Lauren Wenzel
Designated Federal Official
National MPA Center
1305 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3281
(301) 713-3100, ext. 136
Fax: (301) 713-3110

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