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Global Reproductive Health: HIV Prevention

HIV Prevention Research

Approximately 40 million people in the world are living with HIV/AIDS; the majority are women and children. Almost 6,000 women of reproductive age become infected with HIV every day. HIV/AIDS has become the number one cause of death in adults in much of sub-Saharan Africa. CDC participates in research to better understand the complex issues of HIV transmission, including related morbidity and mortality among women and children, and to identify interventions to reduce the transmission of HIV. Research activities in which CDC staff are currently or were recently involved have taken place in Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Thailand. The CDC activities in these countries cover various topics related to the transmission of HIV, such as the risk of transmission via breastfeeding, the effectiveness of various drug regimens in inhibiting transmission, research on microbicides, and the acceptability of various methods of contraception. An example of the kind of findings from these activities is that data from Nairobi indicate that HIV infected women who breastfeed their infants may experience an increase in maternal mortality compared to HIV-infected women who do not breastfeed. CDC is also working with several partners in Russia on development of a program to prevent mother to child transmission in high risk populations. 

Using Entertainment to Combat HIV Infection and Improve Reproductive Health

Partnering with the Global AIDS Program (CDC) and in-country partners including governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), DRH has developed a behavior change intervention strategy to reduce the spread of and mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS. The Modeling and Reinforcement to Combat HIV (MARCH) strategy uses long-running serialized dramas on radio or in print to model positive health behaviors.  Characters face and overcome real-life barriers as they model behavior change. The strategy uses community-based activities to reinforce and support behavior change. CDC reviewed HIV prevention curricula and interventions and created a catalogue of existing small group and community-based activities for use in the reinforcement activity component of the MARCH strategy. Makgabaneng, a radio serial drama, was launched in Botswana based on the MARCH strategy. Other serial dramas and community-level reinforcement activities are being implemented in Ghana, Ethiopia, and Zimbabwe. Today, CDC continues to develop both small-group listening discussion activities and community-level reinforcement activities. To assist with the writing of the radio serial dramas, CDC developed a set of tools, including the “Pathways to Change” game and chart, and Speech Acts Journal, designed to help scriptwriters better incorporate behavioral theory into the radio serial drama.

Selected Resources

Division of Reproductive Health's Unintended Pregnancy, STD, HIV, Intervention Research (USHIR)
CDC conducts integrative research into preventing of HIV, sexually transmitted diseases, and unintended pregnancy and promotion of health among women of reproductive age, their partners, and their children.

Page last reviewed: 2/2/09
Page last modified: 2/01/07
Content source: Division of Reproductive Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

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