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06 May 2009 

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VOA Podcasts

What are podcasts?

Podcasts are audio and video programs that are distributed by subscription over the Internet. New content is automatically delivered to subscribers’ portable media players or computers for convenient playback at any time. Podcasts are free. If  you no longer wish to receive new files you can simply stop any subscription through your podcast application or RSS reader.

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How do I subscribe?

VOA’s podcasting service offers three ways to subscribe to programs you may play on a portable media player or on a computer:
1. iTunes: If you have iTunes installed on your computer, click on the iTunes button under the program description, then follow the directions in iTunes to subscribe. You must have  iTunes software in order to subscribe. For more information visit Apple.  (Other brands of players offer podcast software programs too; check manufacturers websites for more information.)
2. My Yahoo!: If you have a Yahoo! account you can subscribe using My Yahoo! Click on the MyYahoo! button under the program description, then follow the directions in Yahoo! to subscribe. Choose this option if you are if you are using a shared computer or connecting to VOANews.com indirectly through a proxy service.  Proxies are used in areas where direct access to Internet websites is blocked. You must have an account with Yahoo! in order to use this subscription method.
3. RSS: If you do not have iTunes or a Yahoo! account, you can use any RSS reader to subscribe. Copy the subscription link listed under the program description, then paste it in your podcast or RSS reader. Most RSS readers support podcasts. There are many free RSS readers available online. For a listing, visit our RSS Readers page.

More Podcast Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I subscribe to podcasts?

- Podcasts are free.

- Podcasts allow you to customize a mix of programs that interest you.  Choose shows from a world of news, information, education and entertainment programs – many are available from VOA - and from millions of other websites too. 

- Podcasts are available for listening or viewing at your convenience on most any computer or portable playback device like iPods, MP3 (audio) and MP4 (video) players.  Some mobile phones also work as MP3 and MP4 players.

- Podcasts save time because you no longer have to visit multiple websites to check what’s new.

Can I listen or watch a program without subscribing?
Yes. You can listen or watch a podcast directly from the podcast page. Click on the Listen or Watch button under the program description. For a full listing of our programming in Spanish see our webcast page.

How can I find out what podcasts VOA offers?

VOANews.com is currently podcasting radio, TV and web-exclusive programming in the following languages:
English - http://www.voanews.com/english/podcasts.cfm

English to Africa - http://www.voanews.com/english/africa/podcasts.cfm

Special English - http://www.voanews.com/specialenglish/podcasts.cfm

Albanian - http://www.voanews.com/albanian/podcasts.cfm

Burmese - http://www.voanews.com/burmese/podcasts.cfm

- http://www.voanews.com/chinese/podcasts.cfm

Croatian - http://www.voanews.com/croatian/podcasts.cfm

- http://www.voanews.com/indonesian/podcasts.cfm

- http://www.voanews.com/korean/podcasts.cfm

- http://www.voanews.com/persian/podcasts.cfm

- http://www.voanews.com/russian/podcasts.cfm

Serbian - http://www.voanews.com/serbian/podcasts.cfm

Spanish - http://www.voanews.com/spanish/podcasts.cfm

Vietnamese - http://www.voanews.com/vietnamese/podcasts.cfm

What is RSS and what are RSS readers?
RSS stands for Really Simply Syndication which is a method of transferring frequently updated material using XML computer code.  RSS readers are software programs that read XML code.   Most RSS readers will read podcasts, but you will have to manually save files.  (This is unlike podcast programs such as iTunes, which automatically download files.)

The podcast I'm subscribed to seems to be broken or not working correctly, what should I do?

If you are experiencing a problem with one of our podcasts, please visit our contact information page and send us an E-mail. List the name of the podcast, the specific problem you are experiencing and the method you are using to subscribe (for example: iTunes, MyYahoo!, etc.)

I have my own Internet connected
 computer AND a portable player such as an iPod or portable media player. How do I subscribe?

If you have your own computer you can subscribe using a podcast application. Note that most players have corresponding applications. See the manufacturer's website for more details.

1) Choose any podcast program such as iTunes.

2) Subscribe to podcasts.

3) Play podcasts on your computer OR download them to your iPod or portable media player and play them anywhere you go!

I have my own Internet connected computer but no portable media player. How do I subscribe?

If you have your own computer but no portable media player you can still listen to the files on your computer. You can subscribe using either a podcast application or a web-based RSS reader.

1) Choose any podcast program such as iTunes or a web-based podcast reader such as MyYahoo!

2) Subscribe to podcasts.

3) Save the files to your hard drive. You can then play the files on your computer or transfer them to another medium for play else where.

I have a portable player but do not have my own computer how do I subscribe?

If you don't have a portable media player or your own computer you can still subscribe to a podcast. You will need to use a web-based RSS reader.

1) Choose a web-based RSS reader such as MyYahoo! so that you can check it from any Internet connected computer.

2) Subscribe to podcasts.

3) While using any Internet connected computer, log-in to your account and save the files to the computer. Collect the saved files from the shared computer.

I live in a region where the VOANews.com website is sometimes unavailable how do I subscribe?

If you are accessing our site through a proxy it is best to subscribe using a web-based RSS reader.

1.) Chose a web-based RSS reader such as MyYahoo!

2.) Visit our Proxy site

3.) Navigate to the RSS reader site you wish to subscribe through.

4.) Log-in to your account.

5.) Subscribe to our podcasts.