VOA - PRESS CONFERENCE USA: Press Conference USA Voice of America: ENGLISH http://www.voanews.com/ JOURNALISTS INTERVIEW NEWSMAKERS ON CRITICAL ISSUES FACING THE U.S. AND THE WORLD [28 MINUTES; UPDATED SATURDAYS AFTER 1730 UTC] VOA - Journalists interview newsmakers on critical issues facing the U.S. and the world [28 minutes; updated Saturdays after 1730 UTC] Copyright 2008 VOA en VOA - VOA - Press Conference USA voanews@voanews.com Press Conference USA Press Conference USA Journalists interview newsmakers on critical issues facing the U.S. and the world [28 minutes; updated Saturdays after 1730 UTC] Journalists interview newsmakers on critical issues facing the U.S. and the world [28 minutes; updated Saturdays after 1730 UTC] Press Conference USA http://www.voanews.com/mp3/voa/english/pcus/podcasts/PCUS1230ab0502.mp3 Sat, 02 May 2009 13:00:00 GMT VOA News*** no 28:00 Press Conference USA Press Conference USA Journalists interview newsmakers on critical issues facing the U.S. and the world [28 minutes; updated Saturdays after 1730 UTC] Journalists interview newsmakers on critical issues facing the U.S. and the world [28 minutes; updated Saturdays after 1730 UTC] Press Conference USA http://www.voanews.com/mp3/voa/english/pcus/podcasts/PCUS1230ab0425.mp3 Tue, 28 Apr 2009 16:57:00 GMT VOA News*** no 28:00 Press Conference USA Press Conference USA Journalists interview newsmakers on critical issues facing the U.S. and the world [28 minutes; updated Saturdays after 1730 UTC] Journalists interview newsmakers on critical issues facing the U.S. and the world [28 minutes; updated Saturdays after 1730 UTC] Press Conference USA http://www.voanews.com/mp3/voa/english/pcus/podcasts/PCUS1230ab0418.mp3 Sat, 18 Apr 2009 13:00:00 GMT VOA News*** no 28:00