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Pollutants in the EnvironmentHome | Image Galleries | Pollutants in the Environment

Dogwood Run GPS Locations 39 and 40

Locations 39 and 40 are where Dogwood Road crosses Dogwood Run at a bridge.  At this location, there is good riparian cover on the left bank downstream and a residential property on the right bank.  On the upstream side there are residential properties on both banks for 30 m (100 feet) or so and then the riparian zone transitions to forest cover.  English ivy was noted on the right upstream bank.  Dogwood Run was approximately 4.5 m (15 feet) wide and straight in this reach.  A riffle was visible in the distance upstream and there were cobbles in a bar downstream, less than one foot above the active low-flow channel.  The road crosses Dogwood Run in a single span bridge that does not impede fish passage.  There was algae in the creek and more trash in the creek than in most areas the team had visited in the watershed.

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Location 40 - Looking upstream at Dogwood Run from Dogwood Road bridge

Location 40 - Looking upstream at Dogwood Run from Dogwood Road bridge (2 of 2)

(11.30.99, Dogwood Run)

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