
Africa News & Features

05 May 2009 

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Combo picture shows MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai (r) and President Robert Mugabe (File)
The release of political prisoners was high on the list of issues to be resolved when the unity government was formed in February, which is why the re-arrest of the bailed activists caused so much consternation
  Shona News
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UNkosazana Jestina Mukoko Labasekli BeMDC Babuyiselwa Entolongweni  

Umthethwandaba kaMantshi unqume ukuthi abantu laba babesezandleni  zomthetho, okuyinto ecunule kakhulu ibandla leMDC kanye labenhlanganiso ezizimeleyo

The Zimbabwe Election Support Network and the Electoral Institute of Southern Africa also urged a focus on professionalism among Zimbabwe's security forces to discourage their involvement in politics
Demonstrators protest re-arrest of Zimbabwean rights activists, inluding Jestina Mukoko, in Harare, 5 May 2009