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Get Started in Exporting

Doing business internationally may seem overwhelming at first, however, there are a number of government programs that offer training, counseling, and financial assistance to small businesses wanting to export their products and services.

Basic Information

The following resources are starting points for learning how to start exporting your products and services overseas.

In-Person Assistance

The federal government offers free in-person counseling services to help small business obtain export financing and locate business opportunities overseas.

Finding Business Opportunities

If you are looking to bid on overseas contracts, grants or business opportunities, there are a few programs available to help you with your bid.

Export Controls and Licenses

Most export transactions do not require specific approval in the form of licenses from the U.S. government, although regulations regarding all exports must be followed. To determine whether a license is needed to export a particular commercial product or service, an exporter must first classify the item by identifying what is called an Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) for the item. Several other federal agencies have specific export licensing requirements.

For general information on export licensing and regulations, visit - Regulations and Licenses

The following resources provide further information on export controls and licensing:

Exporting Technology and Intellectual Property

The exporting of technology has its own set of rules and regulations. Technology and Source Code Exports (Deemed Export Rule)
answers frequently asked questions about exporting technology and source code.

The European Commission's Directive on Data Protection prohibits the transfer of personal data to non-European Union nations that do not meet the European 'adequacy' standard for privacy protection. The Safe Harbor Portal provides assistance to U.S. companies trying to avoid interruptions in their business dealings with the European Union countries or facing prosecution by European authorities under European privacy laws.

And Stop Fakes.Gov can help you learn how to protect your intellectual property rights (copyright, trademark, patent) when doing business overseas.

Shipping Your Products Overseas

When shipping a product overseas, the exporter must be aware of packing, labeling, documentation, insurance and other requirements of the destination country. Because of the paperwork involved, most exporters rely on a third-party international freight forwarder to perform these services.

To find an international freight forwarder and learn about specific requirements for international shipping, visit's International Logistics web site.

FAQs and Publications

The following resource provide answers to common questions about exporting overseas..

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