USDA Economic Research Service Briefing Room
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Briefing Rooms

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Cotton is the single most important textile fiber in the world, accounting for nearly 40 percent of total world fiber production. While some 80 countries from around the globe produce cotton, the United States, China, and India together provide over half the world's cotton. The United States, while typically ranking second to China in production, is the leading exporter, accounting for over one-third of global trade in raw cotton. The U.S. cotton industry accounts for more than $25 billion in products and services annually, generating over 400,000 jobs in the industry sectors from farm to textile mill. ERS analyzes events in the U.S. and international cotton and textile markets that influence supply, demand, prices, and trade.


Cotton and Wool Outlook, published 10 times per year, provides updates on current market developments and their influence on the cotton and wool sectors, with data on production, consumption, prices, and trade.

2008 Farm Bill Side By Side2008 Farm Bill Side-By-Side presents a title-by-title summary of key provisions of the 2008 Act in a side-by-side comparison with previous legislation. The side-by-side includes links to related ERS publications and to analyses of previous farm acts. New features include a user's guide, an A-Z list of major provisions, and a search function (08/08).

Trends In U.S. Cotton Basis Since 2001 examines the difference between cotton futures prices and cash prices. This difference—basis—tended to rise between 2002 and 2008, but in 2008, it was unusually high and volatile (06/09).



For more information, contact: Leslie Meyer or Stephen MacDonald

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Updated date: June 25, 2009