NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service - Northwest Region
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States’ Request for MMPA Section 120 Authorization to Remove Sea Lions

In December 2006, the states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho applied to the Secretary of Commerce for authorization under Section 120 of the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). Section 120 permits lethal taking of seals and sea lions that are having a significant negative impact on the decline or recovery of salmon and steelhead listed under the Endangered Species Act. The states believe that California sea lions are having such an impact on ESA-listed fish in the Columbia River basin.

Sea Lion Updates

Mar. 18, 2008: NOAA Fisheries Service announced its approval of the three states’ request for authority to remove California sea lions that feed on ESA-listed salmon in the Columbia River Basin.

Jan. 17, 2008: NOAA Fisheries Service released its draft environmental assessment (EA) on the states’ MMPA request for authority to lethally remove California sea lions that feed on ESA-listed salmon in the Columbia River Basin.

Nov. 7, 2007: The Northwest Region released the Final Pinniped – Fishery Interaction Task Force Report.

Aug. 2, 2007: The Northwest Region announced establishment of a Pinniped – Fishery Interaction Task Force.

Jan. 30, 2007: The Secretary of Commerce, acting through NOAA’s Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, accepted the states' application to remove sea lions under MMPA Sec. 120.

Dec. 5, 2006: States of Washington, Oregon and Idaho applied under MMPA Sec. 120 to remove sea lions.


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Page last updated: March 3, 2009
