Federal Consistency | Resources | Workshops

Federal Consistency Workshops

Federal Consistency workshop in Hawaii.

Federal Consistency workshop in Hawaii.

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management's (OCRM’s) Federal Consistency Workshops: (1) provide a basic understanding of federal consistency; (2) discuss in more detail some problem areas that have occurred over the past few years; and (3) provide a forum for states and federal agencies to learn about each others' programs, coastal management concerns, and federal consistency procedures. The objective is to help states and federal agencies efficiently and effectively implement their programs by educating personnel on the consistency requirements, learning about each others programs, and establishing effective working relationships.

The workshops are primarily for state and federal agency personnel working in the field of coastal zone management. Participants should include state agency(ies) staff, state Attorney General staff, and federal agency staff and attorneys, from local, regional and headquarters offices. If space allows (and it usually does with early registration), local government personnel and members of industry groups, environmental groups, and other stakeholders may also attend. State and federal CZMA partners have commented that the Federal Consistency Workshops are one of the key management assistance activities provided by OCRM.

The workshops are generally one-half to one day, depending on the number of states involved. OCRM provides funds to cover the travel costs for two state agency staff from each of the states targeted for a particular workshop. OCRM does not provide any other travel assistance. States and federal agencies are encouraged to send as many CZMA-associated personnel as possible. Casual dress is encouraged.


There is no workshop fee, but all people attending must pre-register with OCRM as space may be limited. Pre-registration must be emailed to david.kaiser@noaa.gov by the registration deadline for the applicable workshop (early registration is appreciated). Each person registering must provide name, title, agency/organization, address, email address, phone and fax numbers.

Workshop Dates and Cities:

April 7, 2009 — Juneau
9:00 – 12:30
Westmark Baranof Hotel – Treadwell Room
127 N. Franklin St,
Juneau, AK

April 9, 2009 — Anchorage
9:00 – 12:30
Federal Annex Bldg. – Conference Room B&C
222 West 8th Avenue
Anchorage, AK

April 21, 2009
10:00 – 4:00
Delaware’s St. Jones National Estuarine Research Reserve
818 Kitts Hummock Rd.
Dover, Delaware

For additional information, contact David Kaiser or Kerry Kehoe.