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Chemically Reactive Barrier Mat
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prevents in situ migration of wastes

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Chemically Reactive Barrier Mat
The migration of radioactive and/or hazardous wastes to the environment is prevented by this multi layer composite barrier mat.
The reactive agents in the mat are specially selected for the type of waste to be contained.

Market Assessment
Major markets for this product
include the cleanup of metals,
pesticides, solvents, radionuclides,
explosives, crude oil, polyaromatic
hydrocarbons, and landfill leachates.

Barrier mats also may be used in
conjunction with phytoremediation.
Please see the market assessment
for Phytoimmobilization.

Patent Status
U.S. Patent No. 6,284,681 has been issued on this invention.

Stage of Development
This technology has been field tested at the Savannah River Site.

Joseph Dugan, Licensing Associate
(803) 725-0848

For More Information
See tech brief.