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Nasa's Mars Rover
ACE – Aerosol Contaminant Extractor
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collects particles in harsh environments

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ACE – Aerosol Contaminant Extractor
The ACE collects toxic or radioactive particles from the air onto a charged plate. The plate is removed for laboratory analysis of the sample. Containing few moveable parts, the ACE is a rugged piece of equipment capable of withstanding hostile environments.

Market Assessment
This product should have major markets in hazardous environments where human entry needs to be restricted, such as mine explosion sites, industrial accidents, or areas affected by terrorist attack.

Patent Status
U.S. patent number 6,964,189 has been issued on this technology.

Stage of Development
This technology has been field tested by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA in the Atacama Desert of Chile.

Joseph Dugan, Licensing Associate
(803) 725-0848