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Children of Alcoholics Foundation

Contact Information

164 West 74th Street
New York, NY 10023

800-488-DRUG (Voice - Toll-free)
646-505-2060 (Voice)
212-595-2553 (FAX)

Internet Resources


The Children of Alcoholics Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded in 1982, was created to serve and educate the millions of young and adult children from alcoholic families. The Foundation's purposes are to inform the public about children of alcoholics and to stimulate interest in seeking solutions to their problems; to promote research on alcoholism and its effects on children of alcoholics; and to encourage Federal, State, and local agencies to respond to the needs of these children. The Foundation also works to break the intergenerational cycle of alcoholism, focusing on prevention and early intervention. It is supported by contributions.


The Foundation offers a number of programs, videos, publications and brochures for young and adult children of alcoholics and the professionals who work with them. Free information packet provided on request.


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Date Entered: 7/1/1997
Date Edited: 4/12/2006
Date Revised: 8/7/2006 10:54:21 AM
Health Referral Number: HR2171
Accession Number: DP91A0834

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