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FLETC Response to Victims of Hurricane Katrina:Operation Open Arms

September 02, 2005

Assistance for displaced families

The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and its Partner Organizations have responded to assist the displaced families of Federal employees. The FLETC sites to be used are Glynco and Charleston, with Glynco being the first filled. Displaced family members will be accommodated in Dorm 187, and staff from a Command Center will assist them at that point, and they will have the resources of FLETC, along with the charitable organizations in our community.

Points of contact – Command Center

The Command Center will be open 24/7 as of 6:00 p.m. today, (September 2), and is located in Bldg. 94, in the food court area. Any Federal employee in the FLETC family may call one of the following numbers to arrange accommodation for family members of Federal employees: 912.267.3852, 267.3853, 267.3854, or 267.3855.

Volunteer space for people or pets

To augment these arrangements, anyone who would like to volunteer space in their homes – for either family or pets of displaced family – may do so by e-mailing the Public Affairs Office at or calling 912.267.2447.

Stress Management assistance

Staff who want to refer members of the FLETC family may do so by calling our Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) toll-free number, operational 24/7: 1.866.733.7002 (1.866.PEER.002). They will provide assistance through our own resources or refer staff and families, if more appropriate.

Additional information

Information on this assistance will also be placed on the FLETC Operational Status Information number at 1.800.793.5382.