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Time Has Come Again For Turkey

Posted by Michelle Ross on 11/26/2007

Michelle Ross

Time has come again for turkey (or chicken if you are in China) and potatoes and stuffing

How has a year flown by since the last one? With ups and downs, but always more ups.

An end of term, a Spring Festival full of travels, a Summer Project with friends, family in China for a visit and the start of round two of Peace Corps service

Not being home is tough, but hotpot with students and colleagues is second-best,

Knowing that the next year will be celebrated with family and friends

So with that in mind, I am thankful for the experiences China has given me,

Going to the opposite side of the world on the adventure of a lifetime

Interesting people, amazing places and new adventures are the highlight of the year.

Volunteers have become as close as family during our 17 months together, and it is with them we will celebrate this weekend

I'm grateful to have one more Thanksgiving as a Gansu group with goodies from home and KFC as dinner

Next year we will be spread apart: traveling, in graduate school, working new jobs and looking towards the future

Gratefulness is the key to happiness and after nearly a year and a half in China, it is a part of who I am.

This webpage expresses the views of Michelle Ross. It does not express the views of the United States Peace Corps.

Last updated Sep 29 2008

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