Chamber of Commerce for Individuals with Disabilities - Harnessing the Power of the Internet to Benefit the Disabled

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Chamber of Commerce for Individuals with DisAbilities (CCID)

Mission Statement
The Chamber is a national consumer volunteer organization that uses business principles to improve the economic status of individuals with disabilities, who are disadvantaged, or who are unemployed.

CCID's 'Social Entrepreneurial' Business Model is not offering a "hand-out", but simply a "hand-up" by enabling disAbled, disadvantaged, and unemployed individual Members who one day may want to operate their own home-based Internet business. To learn more about CCID take our Virtual Tour.

DisAbledbutAble Associates is a SUPPORTING Member of the Chamber of Commerce for Individuals. DisAbledbutAble Associates is composed of only CCID Members who have accomplished at least 16 CCID community service Volunteer hours as CCID 'Supporting Members' who then become eligible to profit-share eCommerce revenue from CCID's Affiliated eCommerce Web Sites under CCID's
'Social Entrepreneurial Business Model' by accomplishing any of the
5 specific tasks listed below:

(1) Recruiting 16 new CCID Regular Members, or
(2) Contacting 16 companies about CCID's Volunteer program, or
(3) Obtaining $1,600 Charitable Donation from a Donor to CCID, or
(4) Making a $1,600 tax-deductible Charitable Donation to CCID, or
(5) Designating the first $1,600 eCommerce revenue from your personal 'Business Center' to CCID as a one time 'Supporting Member' fee.

Please feel free to visit and learn more about

NO Membership Dues
Although CCID requires NO monthly Membership dues from Members, each CCID Member who becomes eligible as a CCID 'Supporting Member (with their own free Internet 'Business Center), does pledge 10% of all eCommerce revenue received from their 'Business Center' (created at NO COST to the CCID Member) to support the ongoing activities of the Chamber of Commerce to create home-based Internet businesses for other disadvantaged, and unemployed individuals who join CCID and who also want their own free CCID 'Business Center'.

The World Wide Web
Because the World Wide Web has changed the ground rules for conducting business, DisAbledbutAble Associates and the Chamber both visualize the Internet as the GREAT EQUALIZER for individuals with disAbled, disadvantaged, and unemployed individuals. If you want to be a home-based Internet Business Entrepreneur, send an inquiry to ccidinfo at and inquire how you too can Volunteer with the Chamber to create a CCID 'Business Center' (with NO CAPITAL OUTLAY) to harness the power of the Internet!

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Copyright © 2004-2008 Chamber of Commerce for Individuals with DisAbilities
CCID Development Team