Subject: METOP_M02_ADMIN LEO Operations Weekly Schedule Issued on 30/04/09 at 13:17:34 Seq Nr: 1 Planned activities for week 19/2009: EPS 04/05/2009 Delayed ASCAT product maintenance. Upgrade of ASCAT Level 2 Soil Moisture processor to version 1.3.0. Note that this release corrects the incidence angle-dependent bias for the data corresponding to the near left swath (see for reference where the problem was reported). EUMETCAST and External Services. 06/05/2009 09:00-15:00 Comms Maintenance. A short interruption will occcur during this period. This will affect Eumetcast, OIS, RMDCN and SAFs. JASON II 05/05/2009 06:00 Routine spacecraft manoeuvre for Jason-2/OSTM FUTURE EVENTS On 07 May 2009, EUMETSAT will combine the LEO and Meteosat Operations Weekly Schedules into one generic Weekly Operations Schedule. The common Weekly Operations Schedule will be delivered to the User community via EUMETCast, the UNS Web pages and as part of the email alert service. The delivery format on EUMETCast will be ASCII and the target directory will be Info-Channel-2. Users registered for email alerts will have their existing subscription automatically transferred to the new combine Operations Weekly Schedule. 12/05/2009 16:00 - 13/05/2009 12:00 Ground Station maintenance. High risk period for all products. Please Note All above times are in UTC INFORMATION: For further information, please contact the EUMETSAT User Services Helpdesk Tel: +49 6151 807 366 Fax: +49 6151 807 379 Email: