Monterey Institute of International Studies - an affiliate of Middlebury College
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Mission Statement

CNS combats the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) by training the next generation of nonproliferation specialists and disseminating timely information and analysis.
Cover of Occasional Paper #14
Past Stories...

Feature Story

A new Occasional Paper presents sixteen papers by participants of the Monterey Nonproliferation Strategy Group meeting on August 20-21, 2008. More...
Posted: Jan 7, 2009 Image: Cover of Occasional Paper #14

Recent Features

View report by Stephen Schwartz, Editor, The Nonproliferation Review Nuclear Security Spending: Assessing Costs, Examining Priorities
a report by Stephen Schwartz and Deepti Choubey for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
On January 13, 2009, the Global Security Newswire wrote an article on the report.
The Costs of U.S. Nuclear Security
an article by Stephen Schwartz for the Los Angeles Times.
View article with William Potter, CNS Director Panetta Picked To Head CIA
William Potter was quoted in an article in the Monterey County Herald.
View article [Cristina Hansell, Director, NISNP] U.S. Should Produce Own Isotopes: Expert
William Potter and Cristina Hansell were quoted in an article in the Montreal Gazette.
View article by Jing-dong Yuan, EANP Director The Highs and Lows of Sino-US Relations
An op-ed by Jing-dong Yuan for the Asia Times Online.
View new videos on NukeTube New Speaker Video Added to NukeTube
Taiwan's Nuclear Option? Security Imperative and Normative Transformation with Dr. Vincent Wei-cheng Wang.
View article by Alexander Melikishvili, Research Associate, Washington, D.C. Office Recent Events Suggest Cyber Warfare Can Become New Threat
An article by Alexander Melikishvili for WMD Insights.
View story [Image: Central Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (CANWFZ) Map] Central Asia Becomes A Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zone
Central Asian Nuclear- Weapon- Free Zone Treaty ratification represents a nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation milestone.
A CNS Feature Story by William C. Potter, Togzhan Kassenova, and Anya Loukianova.
View article with William Potter, CNS Director Central Asian Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone Clears Final Hurdle
William Potter was quoted at length in an article in the Global Security Newswire.
View article by Jing-dong Yuan, EANP Director US-China Dialogue is Paulson's Vital Legacy
An op-ed by Jing-dong Yuan for the Asia Times Online.
The Asian Triangle: Chinese Perspectives on a Rising India
An article by Jing-dong Yuan for the World Politics Review.


New Job Opportunities
· Research Associate
· Postdoctoral/Sabbatical Fellows

2009 Nonproliferation Challenge Essay Contest

This contest, featuring a $10,000 grand prize, is open to students, professors, journalists, policy analysts, activists, and others worldwide.

Recent Activities

Nonproliferation & Disarmament Calendar

View story [Image: Workshop participants] U.S. and Russian High School Teachers Discuss Nuclear Disarmament at Workshop
Twenty U.S. and Russian high school teachers attended a Critical Issues Forum Teacher Development Workshop on December 4-6, 2008 in Monterey. A CNS Feature Story by Masako Toki.
View story [Image: Radiological Source Security seminar participants] CNS Conducts Seminar on Radiological Source Security in Georgia
On November 20-21, 2008, an international seminar was conducted by CNS, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia. A CNS Feature Story by Margarita Sevcik.
Why Iraq Failed to Build a Bomb, and Why Iran Won't Fail
Speaker Dr. Peter Zimmerman, Former Chief Scientist of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
December 11, Monterey, CA
US and Russian High School Teachers Discuss Nuclear Disarmament [PDF]
Twenty high school teachers will participate in the Critical Issues Forum (CIF) Teachers Development Workshop.
December 4-5, Monterey, CA
[Details in PDF link]
The Debate Over Destruction of the Smallpox Virus Stocks
Speaker Jonathan B. Tucker, Senior Fellow, CNS Washington DC Office.
December 5, Monterey, CA
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