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Public Printer Bob Tapella Visits FDLs Around the Country PDF Print E-mail
Written on Wednesday, 29 April 2009

The library community plays a critical role in working with the U.S. Government Printing Offie (GPO) to provide the public free, open and permanent public access to the documents of our democracy. Public Printer Bob Tapella recently had the opportunity to visit a number of Federal depository libraries around the country. These visits have enabled Mr. Tapella to see the different types, sizes and kinds of libraries in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). He learned firsthand about the different issues each library is facing today, including the struggle with funding in these tough economic times.

Throughout his visits to the diverse libraries in the FDLP, Mr. Tapella saw many unique collections, which included:

  • A replica of Sherlock Holmes’ study;
  • A complete and absolutely gorgeous collection of the Code of Federal Regulations, including an original Title 1;
  • A cuneiform from the Bronze Age;
  • A whole room dedicated to calligraphy; and
  • Some incredible, hand-bound, artist books.


Brooklyn Public Library (Central Library)Danny Luce, Depository Coordinator.

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