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NMFS Scientific Publications Office

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Publication Series
Fishery Bulletin
Marine Fisheries Review
NOAA Professional Paper NMFS
NOAA Technical Report NMFS
NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS

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NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service, founded in 1871 as the U.S. Commission on Fish and Fisheries, is the Nation's oldest Federal conservation agency. As such, it has been publishing the results of its research for more than 125 years, and the tradition of scientific publishing is continued today by the NMFS Scientific Publications Office (SPO) in Seattle, Washington.

Formal NMFS publications include the quarterly journals, Fishery Bulletin and Marine Fisheries Review, and the NOAA Professional Paper series (formerly NOAA Technical Report series). In addition, the SPO provides technical and administrative editorial support to NMFS headquarters offices, which includes coordinating publication of several series of the NOAA Technical Memoranda NMFS, including Our Living Oceans, and other special publications. 

Publication Series

Fishery Bulletin

The quarterly Fishery Bulletin (FB) is the oldest and one of the finest fisheries journals in the world. It has been an official publication of the U.S. Government since 1881, under various titles, and is the U.S. counterpart to other highly regarded governmental fisheries science publications. It publishes original research or interpretative articles in all scientific fields that bear on marine fisheries and marine mammal science.

Manuscripts submitted for publication in the Fishery Bulletin and Professional Papers undergo peer review by senior scientists within and outside the government. The NMFS Scientific Editor, a scientist affiliated with one of the NMFS Science Centers who serves for a three-year period, is responsible for conducting the peer reviews and for accepting or rejecting manuscripts.

For more information on the Fishery Bulletin, including complete text for recent issues (in PDF format), please visit the Fishery Bulletin home page.

NOAA Professional Paper NMFS

The NOAA Professional Paper NMFS (PP) series (which began in 2003 and replaces the NOAA Technical Report NMFS series) provides a flexible outlet for publishing a variety of high quality manuscripts which, owing to length or other reasons, are inappropriate for the Fishery Bulletin, such as keys, comprehensive lengthy manuscripts, FAO species synopses, Flora and Fauna subseries manuscripts, etc. The manuscripts published are equal in quality to Fishery Bulletin articles and have undergone the same rigorous peer-review process.

The PP series is not used for annotated bibliographies, lengthy data sets, or computer programs. Such materials may be more appropriately published in the Technical Memorandum series or perhaps in microfiche or electronic form.

For more information on NOAA Professional Paper NMFS, and the previous series (NOAA Technical Report NMFS), please select from the following:

Marine Fisheries Review

The quarterly journal, Marine Fisheries Review (MFR), has been an official publication of the U.S. government since 1939. It publishes review articles, research reports, significant progress reports, technical notes, and news articles on fisheries science, engineering and economics, commercial and recreational fisheries, marine mammal studies, aquaculture, and U.S. and foreign fisheries developments. Emphasis, however, is on indepth review articles and practical or applied aspects of marine fisheries rather than pure research.

For more information on the Marine Fisheries Review, including complete text for recent issues (in PDF format), please select from the following:

NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS

The NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS series (TM) is published by NMFS Offices and Science Centers, and is used for timely documentation and communication of preliminary results, interim reports, or more localized or special purpose information that may not have received formal outside peer reviews or detailed editing. NMFS Offices and Science Centers are responsible for reviews and technical accuracy of TMs. The TMs are numbered publications and can be obtained from the issuing Office or Science Center or the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). The Publication & Reference Links page includes links to many of the listings of TMs issued by the NMFS Science Centers. The NMFS Office of Science and Technology also has a searchable database of TMs here. TMs in the NMFS SPO series processed for headquarters offices are generally available from the specific division that produced the report. Some are available on the SPO site here.

Special Publications

The Raymond J. H. Beverton Lectures at Woods Hole, Massachusetts

Purchasing Publications

Subscriptions from the Superintendent of Documents

Subscriptions for the Fishery Bulletin and Marine Fisheries Review are sold by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. For new subscriptions write directly to: New Orders, Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. Subscription costs are:
Fishery Bulletin: $36.00/year ($54 foreign)
Marine Fisheries Review: $21.00/year ($29.40 foreign)
The Superintendent of Documents has a Web site at

Click for a printable Fishery Bulletin subscription form.

Purchase through NTIS

Professional Papers, Technical Reports, Technical Memoranda, and issues of the Fishery Bulletin and the Marine Fisheries Review are available for purchase in paper copy and microfiche form from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161 (1-800-553-NTIS). Prices vary, depending on size of articles or publications. The NTIS Web site is at

Contacting the Scientific Publications Office

Mailing address:
NMFS Scientific Publications Office
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115 USA
Phone: +1 206 526 6107
Fax: +1 206 526 4456

E-mail: Please note that we respond to e-mail regarding the publications we publish (see above) only. We are not able to search for other government publications or search for information on general fisheries topics, but we invite you to visit the Publication & Reference Links page on this web site for additional resources. We also do not sell government publications or handle subscriptions; please refer to the Purchasing Publications section above for information on obtaining publications. If you have a question regarding the Marine Fisheries Review or Professional Papers, please contact us by e-mail. For Fishery Bulletin, use this e-mail.

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