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Image Information

The images used on the Home page broadly represent data gathering and research activities at PMEL.


photo of moored buoy transparent spacer image

The NOAA research vessel, Ka'Imimoana, behind a moored TAO buoy. The TAO/TRITON array consists of 72 moored buoys in the Tropical Pacific Ocean used to collect oceanographic and meteorological data for monitoring, forecasting, and understanding of climate swings associated with El Niño and La Niña.
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coccolithophore bloom in the Bering Sea  

A SEAWIFS images of a Coccolithophore Bloom in the Bering Sea. The FOCI program seeks understanding of ecosystem dynamics and recruitment variability of commercially valuable fish and shellfish stocks in the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea.
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Globe image showing Tropical Pacific ocean temperature anomalies   Outstanding computing, networking, software, and data management capabilities allow scientists to access, view, and analyze observational and gridded data. Innovation in electronics, mechanics, materials, and software engineering support PMEL research..
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Tsunami site photo   The PMEL Tsunami Program seeks to mitigate tsunami hazards to Hawaii, California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska. Research and development activities focus on an integrated approach to improving tsunami warning and mitigation.
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An image of a black smoker at the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Vents conducts research on the impacts and consequences of submarine volcanoes and hydrothermal venting on the global ocean.
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US Department of Commerce | NOAA | OAR | PMEL
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115
  Phone: (206) 526-6239
Fax: (206) 526-6815
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