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Environmental Careers

This section gives you a sense of what is included in the Environmental Careers publication. This excerpt is taken from the introduction explaining the scope and purpose of the publication and is followed by the table of contents.

Publication Excerpt

This manual is designed to assist Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) and Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) who are interested in pursuing a career in an environment-related field. It provides an overall snapshot of the industry and resources to help you in your job search. The information contained in this manual is divided into four sections: an overview of the major careers in the environmental field, employers of environmental professionals, continuing education, and an extensive list of resources.

Because of the broad scope of the environmental field, this manual is not meant to be inclusive. Instead, it is meant to give you a picture of possible career opportunities, qualifications needed for many jobs, and resources to use to begin your job search. Plan to use the information and references contained within as a starting point to generate ideas in your search for any environmental career.

To learn more about careers available in the environmental field, check out some of the books listed in the bibliography, subscribe to professional journals, "surf" the Internet, and, above all, network! The more knowledgeable you are about the industry, and the more people you know in the field, the quicker you will find an environmental career.

Download the Environmental Careers manual (PDF)

Last updated Sep 29 2008

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