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Careers in Agriculture

This section is to give you a sense of what is included in the Careers in Agriculture publication. This excerpt is taken from the introduction explaining the scope and purpose of the publication and is followed by the table of contents.

Career opportunities within the field of agriculture include a vast array of employment possibilities and challenges. Whether the Peace Corps was your initial exposure to this field or a continuation of your experience in agriculture, the material in this manual will help provide some answers to the following questions:

  • What careers are available in agriculture?
  • What is a general job description for each specialty area?
  • What past experience do you have that is particularly relevant to the position(s) you are seeking?
  • What educational requirements are required to obtain certain positions?
  • Who are the employers in this field?
  • Where is more information available?

This manual is an overview of some of the diverse occupations in the field of agriculture. For each occupation, there is a general description of the career field, followed by a few general qualifications needed to get a job. At the end of each description a summary of employment opportunities in both the public and private sector is provided. The appendices provide lists of sources for you to help you further define and focus your search.

Download the Careers in Agriculture manual (PDF)

Last updated Oct 01 2008

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