NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service - Northwest Region
Home  > ESA Salmon Listings  > Salmon Populations  > ESA Maps  
ESA Salmon Listing Maps

NOTE:  We're revising the data and maps available on this page to reflect recent updates on the status of these species under the Endangered Species Act. More revisions to ESU/DPS boundaries are expected in the coming months. Please check back to obtain the most current information, or contact Steve Stone if you have  questions.

Salmon graphics on the Northwest Region ESA Salmon Web pages are used with permission from Nature Discovery,non-U.S.-gov't link Copyright © 1996.

Map of Land Area Affected by ESA-Listed Salmon & Steelhead
(PDF 48KB)

Map Data for Salmon & Steelhead Populations - updated July 27, 2006

The table below contains links to GIS data files (for use in ArcInfo, ArcView, or ArcGIS) for West Coast salmon and steelhead species listed under the ESA. Recent revisions applicable to all species include (1) updating the ESA listing status of each ESU/DPS, (2) removing unnecessary data attribute fields, and (3) adding a field indicating when the data were last updated. Species-specific revisions are noted in the table below; more revisions to ESU/DPS boundaries are expected in the coming months. These data files are a work in progress and are for general reference only; no liability for accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Please refer to the Listing Status Snapshot (PDF 50KB) to confirm the ESA listing status of each species.



 ESU/DPS Boundary Data in ESRI Shapefile Format
NOTE: These data files require ArcGIS, ArcView, or ArcInfo Software.

ArcInfo Data Map

Click here to access metadata and projection info for the files below.
Salmon (711 KB)
Updated 6/12/06 to reflect recent changes in ESA listing status. ESU boundary updates still under development.
Salmon (294 KB)
Updated 7/27/06 to reflect recent changes in ESA listing status and splitting of Lower Columbia & SW Washington ESUs. Other ESU boundary updates still under development.
Salmon (26 KB)
Updated 6/12/06 to reflect recent changes in ESA listing status. ESU boundary updates still under development.
Salmon (38 KB)
Updated 6/12/06 to reflect recent changes in ESA listing status. ESU boundary updates still under development.
Salmon (160 KB)
Updated 6/12/06 to reflect recent changes in ESA listing status. ESU boundary updates still under development.
Steelhead (686 KB)
Updated 6/12/06 to reflect recent changes in ESA listing status. DPS boundary updates still under development.




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