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Orders and Directives

Keyword/Subject Index of Treasury Directives

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Dated: May 1, 2009

* = Cancelled Directives


Access to Records

Directive Title
15-02 Access to Records


Directive Title
16-13 Operating Center for Government Accounting and Financial Reporting and the Establishment of the Chief Accounting Officer Position
32-01 Accounting Principles and Standards
32-02 Approval of Financial Management Systems
32-04 Settlement of Accounts and Relief of Accountable Officers
32-05 Responsibilities for Establishing and Maintaining Fiscal Accounting Systems


Directive Title
12-22 Delegation of Lease Acquisition Authority to Acquire Special Purpose Space
72-02 Acquisition, Utilization and Disposal of Treasury Real Property Assets
76-01 Department of the Treasury Acquisition Regulation and Department of the Treasury Acquisition Procedures
78-02 Acquisition and Use of Copying Equipment

Administrative Offset

Directive Title
16-14 Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996

Advisory Committee

Directive Title
21-03 Establishment and Management of Treasury Federal Advisory Committees

Agency Head Review

Directive Title
12-36 Redelegation of Agency Head Review


Directive Title
15-20 Disposition of Certain Aircraft Seizure Cases


Directive Title
25-01 Authentication of Department of the Treasury Documents


Directive Title
40-03 Treasury Audit Resolution, Follow-up, and Closure

Bank Secrecy Act

Directive Title
15-01 Bank Secrecy Act Regulations
15-23 Bank Secrecy Act -- U.S. Customs Service
15-41 Bank Secrecy Act -- Internal Revenue Service

Bills of Lading

Directive Title
74-03 Commercials Bills of Lading for Small Shipments


Directive Title
12-04 Delegation of Authority for Budget Execution in the Departmental Offices
31-01 Treasury Strategic Management Manual
31-04 Working Capital Fund

Budget Execution

Directive Title
12-04 Delegation of Authority for Budget Execution in the Departmental Offices

Budget Manual

Directive Title
31-01 Treasury Strategic Management Manual


Directive Title
74-12 Use of Government Contractor-Issued Travel Charge Cards
76-02 Government Purchase Card Program



Directive Title
16-12 Signing Regulations Governing Treasury Checks
16-23 Authorization to Sign Treasury Checks

Chief Accounting Officer

Directive Title
16-13 Operating Center for Government Accounting and Financial Reporting and the Establishment of the Chief Accounting Officer Position


Directive Title
16-24 Distribution of Foreign Claims Funds to Awardees

Waiving Claims Against Treasury Employees for Erroneous Payments


Directive Title
16-59 Determination of Eligible Types of Collateral Acceptable to Secure Deposits of Public Moneys and Other Financial Interests of the Government; Valuation of Such Collateral


Directive Title
16-31 Collection and Deposit Activities of Federal Agencies
34-02 Credit Management and Debt Collection

Commercial Activities

Directive Title
22-01 Performance of Commercial Activities

Community Development

Directive Title
13-21 Delegation of Authority to the Director, Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, for Administering the New Markets Tax Credit Program

Contract Audit

Directive Title
76-06 Request for Contract Audit Services

Conveyance Seizure

Directive Title
15-26 Disposition of Certain Conveyance Seizure Cases

Copying Equipment

Directive Title
78-02 Acquisition and Use of Copying Equipment


Directive Title
13-04 Delegation of Authority Relating to the United States Enrichment Corporation Privatization


Directive Title
15-52 Mitigation of Forfeiture of Counterfeit Gold Coins
15-56 Delegation of Authority Under the Counterfeit Deterrence Act of 1992

Credit Management

Directive Title
34-02 Credit Management and Debt Collection


Directive Title
19-06 Delegation to the Director, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, for the Redemption and Destruction of Unfit Currency and the Destruction of Waste and Spoiled Items


Directive Title
15-20 Disposition of Certain Aircraft Seizure Cases
15-21 International Transport of Goods Under Cover of TIR Carnets
15-22 Reimbursable Services of Customs in the Virgin Islands
15-23 Bank Secrecy Act -- U.S. Customs Service
15-24 Authority of Deputy Assistant Secretary (Regulatory, Tariff and Trade Enforcement)
15-25 Prescribing Regulations - U.S. Customs Service
15-26 Disposition of Certain Conveyance Seizure Cases
15-27 Delegation of Authority to the Commissioner, United States Customs Service, on Seized Property
15-29 Delegation of Authority to the Commissioner, United States Customs Service, to Investigate Violations of 18 U.S.C. §§1956 and 1957


Directive Title
67-01 Safeguard and Notification Requirements for Race and National Origin Data

Data Integrity Board

Directive Title
25-06 The Treasury Data Integrity Board

Debt Collection

Directive Title
16-14 Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996

Defense Lending

Directive Title
16-32 Functions Pertaining to the Former Office of Defense Lending


Directive Title
12-04 Delegation of Authority for Budget Execution in the Departmental Offices
12-11 Procurement Authority
12-22 Delegation of Lease Acquisition Authority to Acquire Special Purpose Space
12-24 Delegation of Authority to Accept Payment from Non-Federal Sources for Travel Expenses
12-27 Delegetion of Authority to Approve Certain Travel and Related Expenses for Personnel Permanently Assigned Outside the United States
12-31 Delegation of Personnel Authority to Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Chief Human Capital
12-32 Delegation of Authority Concerning Personnel Security
12-36 Redelegation of Agency Head Review
12-41 Delegation of Authority Concerning Equal Opportunity (EEO) Programs and Treasury Complaint Centers.
12-53 Delegations of Authority to Make Decisions on Appeals under the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act.
12-54 Approval of Privacy Act Documents; authority delegation
13-01 Delegation of Authority to the Assistant Secretary (Financial Markets) for the Government Securities Act of 1986 and the Government Securities Act Amendments of 1993 ("GSAA of 1993")
13-02 Delegation of Authority Under the Government Securities Act of 1986
13-03 Delegation of Authority Related to the United States Community Adjustment and Investment Program, and Designation of Representative on the Community Adjustment and Investment Program Finance Committee
13-04 Delegation of Authority Relating to the United States Enrichment Corporation Privatization
13-21 Delegation of Authority to the Director, Community Development Financial Institution Fund, for Administering the New Markets Tax Credit Program
13-20 Delegation of Authority for Administering the District of Columbia Retirement Programs
13-21 Delegation of Authority to the Director, Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, for Administering the New Markets Tax Credit Program
15-24 Authority of Deputy Assistant Secretary (Regulatory, Tariff and Trade Enforcement)
15-27 Delegation of Authority to the Commissioner, United States Customs Service, on Seized Property
15-29 Delegation of Authority to the Commissioner, United States Customs Service, to Investigate Violations of 18 U.S.C. §§1956 and 1957 (expired 11/05/2005)
15-42 Delegation of Authority to the Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service, to Investigate Violations of 18 U.S.C. § § 1956 and 1957
15-43 Delegation of Authority to the Internal Revenue Service to Conduct Compliance Reviews for Compliance with Economic Sanctions Programs
15-54 Delegation of Authority to the Director, United States Secret Service to Investigate Violations of 18 U.S.C. §§1956 and 1957
15-55 Delegation of Seizure, Forfeiture, and Related Authority to the Director, United States Secret Service
15-56 Delegation of Authority Under the Counterfeit Deterrence Act of 1992
15-58 Delegation of Authority to the Director, United States Secret Service, to Issue Administrative Subpoena Pursuant to the Presidential Threat Protection Act of 2000
15-62 Authority of the Office of Foreign Assets Control
16-15 Delegation of Authority for Issuing Certain Regulations Generated by the Financial Management Service
16-23 Authorization to Sign Treasury Checks
16-35 Authority to Effect Transfers in the Gold Certificate Fund
16-53 Authority Under the Government Losses in Shipment Act
16-57 Delegation of Authority to the Commissioner of the Public Debt Under the Government Securities Act of 1986
16-58 Delegation to the Commissioner of the Public Debt for the Destruction of Retired and Unissued Securities and Coupons
18-02 Authority to Approve Internal Revenue Regulations
19-01 Delegation of Authority to Purchase Certain Equipment and Facilities
19-02 Delegation of Authority to the Directors, Bureau of Engraving and Printing and United States Mint, to Appoint Uniformed Guards
19-06 Delegation to the Director, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, for the Redemption and Destruction of Unfit Currency and the Destruction of Waste and Spoiled Items
71-08 Delegation of Authority for Physical Security Programs


Directive Title
16-58 Delegation to the Commissioner of the Public Debt for the Destruction of Retired and Unissued Securities and Coupons
19-06 Delegation to the Director, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, for the Redemption and Destruction of Unfit Currency and the Destruction of Waste and Spoiled Items



Directive Title
16-21 Disposal of Obligations, Including Bonds, Notes or Other Securities

District of Columbia

Directive Title
13-20 Delegation of Authority for Administering the District of Columbia Retirement Programs

Document Authentication

Directive Title
25-01 Authentication of Department of the Treasury Documents

Domestic Finance

Directive Title
13-01 Delegation of Authority to the Assistant Secretary (Financial Markets) for the Government Securities Act of 1986 and the Government Securities Act Amendments of 1993 ("GSAA of 1993")
13-02 Delegation of Authority Under the Government Securities Act of 1986
27-07 Organization and Functions of the Office of the Assistant Secretary (Domestic Finance)


Directive Title
61-10 Drug-Free Federal Workplace

Economic Policy

Directive Title
27-05 Organization and Functions of the Office of the Assistant Secretary (Economic Policy)

Employee Locator

Directive Title
61-07 Employee Locator System


Directive Title
15-01 Bank Secrecy Act Regulations
15-02 Access to Records
15-03 Department of the Treasury Intelligence Information System Security Policy Manual
15-11 Approval of Regulations on Viticultural Areas
15-20 Disposition of Certain Aircraft Seizure Cases
15-21 International Transport of Goods Under Cover of TIR Carnets
15-22 Reimbursable Services of Customs in the Virgin Islands
15-23 Bank Secrecy Act -- U.S. Customs Service
15-24 Authority of Deputy Assistant Secretary (Regulatory, Tariff and Trade Enforcement)
15-25 Prescribing Regulations - U.S. Customs Service
15-26 Disposition of Certain Conveyance Seizure Cases
15-27 Authority of Customs Commissioner on Seized Property
27-03 Organization and Functions of the Office of the Assistant Secretary (Enforcement)
27-04 Organization and Functions of the Office of the Under Secretary (International Affairs)

Engraving and Printing

Directive Title
19-02 Delegation of Authority to the Directors, Bureau and Engraving and Printing and United States Mint, to Appoint Uniformed Guards
19-06 Delegation to the Director, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, for the Redemption and Destruction of Unfit Currency and the Destruction of Waste and Spoiled Items


Directive Title
75-02 Department of the Treasury Environmental Quality Program
75-06* Prevention, Control and Abatement of Environmental Pollution
75-07* Department of the Treasury Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Acquisition
75-08* Treasury Environmental Management Program
75-09 Environmental Management and Sustainability Program

Equal Employment Opportunity

Directive Title
12-41 Delegation of Authority Concerning Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Programs and Regional Complaint Centers.


Directive Title
61-01 Implementation of the Public Financial Disclosure Requirements of the Ethics in Government Act
61-02 Implementation of the Confidential Financial Disclosure Requirements -- Office of Government Ethics Regulations
61-05 Designating the Employment Status of Advisory Committee Members
61-06  Responsibilities of the Designated Agency Ethics Official

Executive Agents

Directive Title
84-02 Establishment of Executive Agents

Facsimile Signatures

Directive Title
16-54 Issue of United States Securities Bearing Facsimile Signatures

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Directive Title
15-55 Delegation of Seizure, Forfeiture, and Related Authority to the Director, United States Secret Service, Relating to Violations Involving Federally Insured Financial Institutions, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC)

Federal Register

Directive Title
25-03 Filing Documents for Publication With the Office of the Federal Register

Federal Reserve Banks

Directive Title
16-55 Furnishing Instructions to Federal Reserve Banks


Directive Title
13-01 Delegation of Authority to the Assistant Secretary (Financial Markets) for the Government Securities Act of 1986 and the Government Securities Act Amendments of 1993 ("GSAA of 1993")
13-03 Delegation of Authority Related to the United States Community Adjustment and Investment Program, and Designation of Representative on the Community Adjustment and Investment Program Finance Committee
15-55 Delegation of Seizure, Forfeiture, and Related Authority to the Director, United States Secret Service, Relating to Violations Involving Federally Insured Financial Institutions, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC)
16-01 Order of Succession of Officials Authorized to Act as Fiscal Assistant Secretary
16-11 Treasury Financial Manual
16-12 Signing Regulations Governing Treasury Checks
16-13 Operating Center for Government Accounting and Financial Reporting and the Establishment of the Chief Accounting Officer Position
16-15 Delegation of Authority for Issuing Certain Regulations Generated by the Financial Management Service
16-21 Disposal of Obligations, Including Bonds, Notes or Other Securities
16-22 Withdrawals from Trust and Deposit Fund Accounts
16-23 Authorization to Sign Treasury Checks
16-24 Distributions of Foreign Claims Funds to Awardees
16-31 Collection and Deposit Activities of Federal Agencies; Designation of Depositaries; Fiscal Agents and Financial Agents
16-32 Functions Pertaining to the Former Office of Defense Lending
16-33 Recognition of Insurance Covering Tax and Loan Depositaries
16-34 Sureties and Surety Bonds
16-35 Authority to Effect Transfers in the Gold Certificate Fund
16-36 Delegation of Authority to Designate Disbursing Officials
16-41 Execution of Tax Withholding Agreements
31-04 Working Capital Fund
32-01 Accounting Principles and Standards
32-02 Approval of Financial Management Systems
32-04 Settlement of Accounts of Accountable Officers
32-05 Responsibilities for Establishing and Maintaining Fiscal Accounting Systems
32-06 Administrative Expenses for Trust Funds
61-02 Implementation of the Confidential Financial Disclosure Requirements -- Office of Government Ethics Regulations

Financial Disclosure

Directive Title
61-01 Implementation of the Public Financial Disclosure Requirements of the Ethics in Government Act

Financial Manual

Directive Title
16-11 Treasury Financial Manual


Directive Title
73-03 Official Flags of the Department of the Treasury


Fleet Management

Directive Title
74-01 Motor Vehicle Fleet Management

Foreign Assets

Directive Title
15-61 Prohibitions on Transactions with Iran
15-62 Authority of the Office of Foreign Assets Control

Foreign Claims

Directive Title
16-24 Distributions of Foreign Claims Funds to Awardees

Foreign Gifts

Directive Title
61-04 Foreign Gifts and Decorations

Freedom of Information

Directive Title
12-53 Delegation of Authority to Make Decisions on Appeals of the Office of Equal Opportunity Program Under the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act
25-05 The Freedom of Informatio Act

Frequent Travelers

Directive Title
74-12 Use of Government Contractor-Issued Travel Charge Cards

Foreign Claims Fund

Directive Title
16-24 Distributions of Foreign Claims Funds to Awardees

General Accounting Office

Directive Title
40-02 Corresponding with the General Accounting Office (GAO)


Directive Title
61-04 pdf icon Foreign Gifts and Decorations
61-09 Department of the Treasury Gift Acceptance Authority


Directive Title
15-52 Mitigation of Forfeiture of Counterfeit Gold Coins
16-35 Authority to Effect Transfers in the Gold Certificate Fund

Government Losses in Shipment

Directive Title
16-53 Authority Under the Government Losses in Shipment Act

Government Securities Act

Directive Title
13-01 Delegation of Authority to the Assistant Secretary (Financial Markets) for the Government Securities Act of 1986 and the Government Securities Act Amendments of 1993 ("GSAA of 1993")
13-02 Delegation of Authority Under the Government Securities Act of 1986
16-57 Delegation of Authority to the Commissioner of the Public Debt Under the Government Securities Act of 1986


Directive Title
71-05 Departmental Safety and Health Programs

Historic Preservation

Directive Title
75-01 Department of the Treasury Historic Preservation Program

Home-to-Work Transportation

Directive Title
74-06 Home-to-Work Transportation Controls


Directive Title
25-06 The Treasury Data Integrity Board
80-05 Records and Information Management Program
81-01 Treasury Information Technology (IT) Programs
84-01 Information System Life Cycle (ISLC)
84-02 Establishment of Executive Agents
87-04 Personal Use of Government Information Technology Resources
87-05 Electronic Commerce Initiatives
87-06 Electronic and Information Technology (E&IT) Accessibility under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act

Inspector General

Directive Title
27-12 Organization and Functions of the Office of Inspector General
40-01 Responsibilities of and to the Inspector General

Insurance Covering Tax and Loan Depositaries

Directive Title
16-33 Recognition of Insurance Covering Tax and Loan Depositaries

Internal Control

Directive Title
40-04 Treasury Internal (Management) Control Program

Internal Revenue Service

Directive Title
15-41 Bank Secrecy Act -- Internal Revenue Service
15-42 Delegation of Authority to the Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service, to Investigate Violations of 18 U.S.C. § § 1956 and 1957
18-02 Authority to Approve Internal Revenue Regulations

International Affairs

Directive Title



Directive Title
15-61 Prohibitions on Transactions with Iran


Directive Title
28-02 Legislative Procedures

Legislative Affairs

Directive Title
27-09 Organization and Functions of the Office of the Assistant Secretary (Legislative Affairs)


Directive Title
32-12 Restrictions on Lobbying for Treasury Grants, Loans and Cooperative Agreements


Directive Title
16-52 Determinations of Liability for Losses, U.S. Savings Bonds and Notes
16-53 Authority Under the Government Losses in Shipment Act


Directive Title
26-01 Mail Management Program


Directive Title
40-04 Treasury Internal (Management) Control Program
75-04 Energy Management Program
80-05 Records and Information Management Program


Directive Title
16-11 Treasury Financial Manual
31-01 Treasury Strategic Management Manual
71-10 Department of the Treasury Security Manual

Message Authentication

Directive Title
16-02 Electronic Funds and Securities Transfer Policy -- Message Authentication and Enhanced Security


Directive Title
75-05 Department of the Treasury Metrication Program


Directive Title
19-02 Delegation of Authority to the Directors, Bureau of Engraving and Printing and United States Mint, to Appoint Uniformed Guards


Directive Title
27-01 Organization and Functions of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer
27-03 Organization and Functions of the Office of the Assistant Secretary (Enforcement)
27-04 Organization and Functions of the Office of the Under Secretary (International Affairs) - Attachment pdf icon
27-05 Organization and Functions of the Office of the Assistant Secretary (Economic Policy)
27-06 Organization and Functions of the Office of the Assistant Secretary (Public Affairs and Public Liaison)
27-07 Organization and Functions of the Office of the Assistant Secretary (Domestic Finance)
27-09 Organization and Functions of the Office of the Assistant Secretary (Legislative Affairs)
27-10 Organization and Functions of the Office of the Assistant Secretary (Tax Policy)
27-12 Organization and Functions of the Office of Inspector General

Personal Property

Directive Title
73-01 Personal Property Management


Directive Title
12-31 Redelegation of Personnel Authority
12-32 Delegation of Authority Concerning Personnel Security
12-36 Redelegation of Agency Head Review
61-01 Implementation of the Public Financial Disclosure Requirements of the Ethics in Government Act
61-07 Employee Locator System
61-10 Drug-Free Federal Workplace

Physical Security

Directive Title
71-08 Delegation of Authority for Physical Security Programs
71-10 Office of Security Manual


Directive Title

Precious Metals

Directive Title
51-02 Processing Losses Resulting from Gold and Silver Programs


Directive Title


Directive Title
78-01 Printing and Publishing Management Program

Privacy Act

Directive Title
12-52 Approval of Privacy Act Documents
12-54 Approval of Privacy Act Documents; authority delegation
25-04 The Privacy Act of 1974, As Amended
25-07 Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)
25-09 Privacy and Civil Liberties Activities Pursuant to Section 803 of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, P.L. 110-53


Directive Title
13-04 Delegation of Authority Relating to the United States Enrichment Corporation Privatization


Directive Title
12-11 Procurement Authority
76-01 Treasury Acquisition/Procurement Regulation
76-02 Use of Procurement Authority

Public Affairs

Directive Title
27-06 Organization and Functions of the Office of the Assistant Secretary (Public Affairs and Public Liaison)

Public Debt

Directive Title
16-58 Delegation to the Commissioner of the Public Debt for the Destruction of Retired and Unissued Securities and Coupons

Public Transportation Incentive

Directive Title
16-57 Delegation of Authority to the Commissioner of the Public Debt Under the Government Securities Act of 1986
16-58 Delegation to the Commissioner of the Public Debt for the Destruction of Retired and Unissued Securities and Coupons
27-06 Organization and Functions of the Office of the Assistant Secretary (Public Affairs and Public Liaison)
74-10 Public Transportation Incentive Program



Directive Title
78-01 Printing and Publishing Management Program

Purchase Card

Directive Title
76-04 Government Purchase Card for Small Purchasing

Radio Frequency

Directive Title
86-02 Radio Frequency Management


Directive Title
75-07 Department of the Treasury Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Acquisition

Real Property

Directive Title
72-02 Acquisition, Utilization and Disposal of Treasury Real Property Assets
72-03 Location of New Offices and Facilities in Rural Areas


Directive Title
80-05 Records and Information Management Program


Directive Title
15-11 Approval of Regulations on Viticultural Areas
15-25 Prescribing Regulations - U.S. Customs Service
28-01 Preparation and Review of Regulations
28-03 Review and Clearance of Regulations


Directive Title
16-51 Relief for Treasury Obligations

Resolution Trust Corporation

Directive Title
15-55 Delegation of Seizure, Forfeiture, and Related Authority to the Director, United States Secret Service, Relating to Violations Involving Federally Insured Financial Institutions, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC)

Rural Areas

Directive Title
72-03 Location of New Offices and Facilities in Rural Areas


Directive Title
71-05 Departmental Safety and Health Programs

Savings Bonds

Directive Title
16-52 Determinations of Liability for Losses, U.S. Savings Bonds and Notes


Directive Title
12-51 Affixing the Department of the Treasury Seal
73-04 Official Seal of the Department of the Treasury

Secret Service

Directive Title
15-51 United States Secret Service Uniformed Division Functions
15-52 Mitigation of Forfeiture of Counterfeit Gold Coins
15-54 Delegation of Authority to the Director, United States Secret Service, to Investigate Violations of 18 U.S.C. §§1956 and 1957
15-55 Delegation of Seizure, Forfeiture, and Related Authority to the Director, United States Secret Service
15-56 Delegation of Authority Under the Counterfeit Deterrence Act of 1992
15-58 Delegation of Authority to the Director, United States Secret Service, to Issue Administrative Subpoenas Pursuan to the Presidential Threat Protection Act of 2000



Directive Title
12-32 Delegation of Authority Concerning Personnel Security
16-02 Electronic Funds and Securities Transfer Policy -- Message Authentication and Enhanced Security
16-21 Disposal of Obligations, Including Bonds, Notes or Other Securities
16-54 Issue of United States Securities Bearing Facsimile Signatures
71-08 Delegation of Authority for Physical Security Programs
71-10 Department of the Treasury Security Manual
85-01- Department of the Treasury Information Technology (IT) Security Program
85-03 Authorities of the Department Chief Information Officer Respond to Information Technology (IT) Security Incidents, Threats and Vulnerabilities

Security Manual

Directive Title
71-10 Department of the Treasury Security Manual


Directive Title
15-27 Authority of Customs Commissioner on Seized Property
15-55 Delegation of Seizure, Forfeiture, and Related Authority to the Director, United States Secret Service, Relating to Violations Involving Federally Insured Financial Institutions, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC)

Significant guidance documents

Directive Title
28-04 Procedures for Approval of Significant Guidance Documents

Special Purpose Space

Directive Title
12-22 Delegation of Lease Acquisition Authority to Acquire Special Purpose Space


Directive Title
16-01 Order of Succession of Officials Authorized to Act as Fiscal Assistant Secretary


Directive Title
16-34 Sureties and Surety Bonds

Tax Administration

Directive Title

Tax Policy

Directive Title
27-10 Organization and Functions of the Office of the Assistant Secretary (Tax Policy)

Tax Withholding

Directive Title
16-41 Execution of Tax Withholding Agreements


Directive Title

Telework and Flexiplace Program

Directive Title
74-14 Treasury Alternative Workplace Arrangements

Temporary Duty Station

Transfer Policy

Directive Title
16-02 Electronic Funds and Securities Transfer Policy -- Message Authentication and Enhanced Security
16-35 Authority to Effect Transfers in the Gold Certificate Fund

Transport of Goods

Directive Title
15-21 International Transport of Goods Under Cover of TIR Carnets


Directive Title
74-03 Commercial Bills of Lading for Small Shipments
74-10 Public Transportation Incentive Program


Directive Title
12-24 Delegation of Authority to Accept Payment from Non-Federal Sources for Travel Expenses
12-27 Delegetion of Authority to Approve Certain Travel and Related Expenses for Personnel Permanently Assigned Outside the United States
74-12 Use of Government Contractor-Issued Travel Charge Cards
74-13 Premium-Class Travel



Directive Title
19-01 Delegation of Authority to Purchase Certain Equipment and Facilities
19-02 Delegation of Authority to the Directors, Bureau of Engraving and Printing and United States Mint, to Appoint Uniformed Guards

Treasury Financial Manual

Directive Title
16-11 Treasury Financial Manual

Trust Funds

Directive Title
12-51 Affixing the Department of the Treasury Seal
16-22 Withdrawals from Trust and Deposit Fund Accounts
32-06 Administrative Expenses for Trust Funds

Uniformed Guards

Directive Title
19-02 Delegation of Authority to the Directors, Bureau of Engraving and Printing and United States Mint, to Appoint Uniformed Guards

Unfit Currency

Directive Title
19-06 Delegation to the Director, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, for the Redemption and Destruction of Unfit Currency and the Destruction of Waste and Spoiled Items

Victims and Witness

Directive Title
55-01 Victims and Witness Assistance

Virgin Islands

Directive Title
15-22 Reimbursable Services of Customs in the Virgin Islands


Directive Title
15-11 Approval of Regulations on Viticultural Areas


Directive Title
75-07 Department of the Treasury Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Acquisition

Web Sites

Directive Title
81-08 Certification Process for the Use of Persistent Cookies on Treasury Web Sites


Directive Title
16-22 Withdrawals from Trust and Deposit Fund Accounts

Working Capital Fund

Directive Title
31-04 Working Capital Fund


Last Updated: May 1, 2009