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Volume 5: No. 3, July 2008

Addressing the Threat of Chronic Diseases in Oman

Year Infant Mortality Rate Mortality Rate of Children Under 5 Years of Age Total Fertility Rate Life Expectancy at Birth
1970 118 181   49.3
1975 103 149   52.7
1980 64 86 10.1 57.5
1985 45 52 7.8 61.6
1990 29 35   65.9
1995 20 27 6 71.0
2000 16.7 21.7 4.7 73.4
2005 10.3 11.0 3.1 74.3

Figure 1. Trends in mortality among infants and children under age 5 years, life expectancy at birth, and total fertility rates, Oman 1970–2005 (17). Fertility data for the years 1970–1980 and 1985–1995 are not available.

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  • Cardiovascular disease: 42%
  • Cancer: 12%
  • Chronic respiratory disease: 2%
  • Diabetes mellitus: 6%
  • Other chronic diseases: 13%
  • Communicable diseases, perinatal and maternal conditions, and nutritional deficiencies: 13%
  • Injuries: 12%

Figure 2. Estimated deaths attributable to diseases and injuries, all ages, Oman, 2002.

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  • Cardiovascular disease: 13%
  • Cancer: 4%
  • Chronic respiratory disease: 3%
  • Diabetes mellitus: 3%
  • Other chronic diseases: 44%
  • Communicable diseases, perinatal and maternal conditions, and nutritional deficiencies: 20%
  • Injuries: 13%

Figure 3. Estimated disability-adjusted life years lost attributable to diseases and injuries, all ages, Oman, 2002.

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This page last reviewed April 22, 2008

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