Global Parallel Relevant Links

Global Parallel Home Page by Mark Iredell

Daily forecast maps by Pete Caplan
Daily forecast stats by Pete Caplan

Hua-Lu Pan's homepage by Hua-Lu Pan
Verification of precipitation by Hua-Lu Pan
Parallel 12-36 hour precipitation threat scores by Hua-Lu Pan
Parallel 12-36 hour precipitation bias scores by Hua-Lu Pan
Tropical storm performance monitor page by Hua-Lu Pan

Suru Saha's homepage by Suru Saha
Verification against sondes and aircraft timeseries by Suru Saha
Verification against rawinsondes horizontal maps by Suru Saha
Verification against rawinsondes vertical maps by Suru Saha

Bob Kistler's homepage by Bob Kistler

Parallel diagnostics by Glenn White

Yuejian Zhu's homepage by Yuejian Zhu
NCEP ensemble products by Yuejian Zhu
NCEP ensemble evaluation homepage by Yuejian Zhu

Global Data Assimilation Group by Russ Treadon
Radiance Assimilation Monitoring by Russ Treadon
Ozone Assimilation Monitoring by Russ Treadon

VIS5D home page by Jordan Alpert

Cloud and Radiation diagnostics by Ken Campana

Mesoscale Branch Parallel Home Page by Eric Rogers

Mark Iredell
NCEP/EMC Global Modeling Branch
Page Last Modified: October 31, 2002