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Welcome to Hua-Lu's experimental Web page

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To see some of the maps I produce, click below

The following maps are updated daily

00Z Meteograms From GFS

06Z Meteograms From GFS

12Z Meteograms From GFS

18Z Meteograms From GFS

GFS tropical storm track status

Tropical storm track (ensemble fcst) status

GFS tropical storm track (5-day fcst) status

Continuity : The next four icons show meteograms of forecasts from the latest four cycles

00Z Meteograms with 4 cycles

06Z Meteograms with 4 cycles

12Z Meteograms with 4 cycles

18Z Meteograms with 4 cycles

The above are updated daily. The rest are for information only

Experimental Web pages

Various html and gif pages

To contact me, e-mail hualu.pan@noaa.gov