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Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence


Officer in Residence Program

The Program

The CIA sponsors officers for two-year tours on the faculties of participating colleges and universities. The objective is to promote broader understanding of intelligence roles and missions, closer collaboration with the academic community, and contributions to the scholarly literature on intelligence.

The CIA officers act as visiting faculty members of their host universities. They teach, conduct research, and act as a resource for faculty colleagues and students. They discuss the national security process and CIA's role in it. Each assignment is tailored to the individual and the institution.

Since the program started in 1985, CIA has sponsored officers at over 50 academic institutions, including Harvard, Princeton, Georgetown, University of South Carolina, University of Oregon, University of Kentucky, Texas A&M, Marquette University, Ohio State University and the military academies. Usually, there are 8-12 Officers in Residence each year at institutions across the country.


The Officers

CIA officers have much to offer the academic world. Many have impressive academic credentials and have taught at universities. Others offer insights from years of experience in such fields as international relations and national security policy.


For example, Officers in Residence have:

  • Taught seminars on international leaders and organizations and how to assess their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Taught courses on practical analytical methods.
  • Developed case studies on the relationship between intelligence analysis and the policymaking process.
  • Introduced courses in the field of intelligence law.
  • Taught courses on the role of technical intelligence collection in national security policy.


Why the CIA has this Program

The Center for the Study of Intelligence seeks to promote study, debate, and understanding of the role of intelligence in American society. CIA hopes to demonstrate the quality and competence of its people, and the Agency benefits when its officers can work in an academic environment. The officers, and the Agency, benefit from the substantive outreach to students, faculty, and administrators on US campuses.

There is nothing clandestine about an officer's assignment as a visiting faculty member. It is completely open and must be agreed to by all the appropriate officers of an institution. CIA does not permit its Officers in Residence to recruit students for employment. The CIA ensures that these officers are exactly what they say they are: professionals abiding by the rules of the host university.


What the Institution Provides

Because CIA sponsors the Officer in Residence, the cost to the institution is minimal. The university needs only to provide the office space and support customary for visiting faculty. The university also should provide Officers in Residence with the status normally offered visiting faculty members.


Making Arrangements

The program is administered by CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence. Those interested should contact the Center's Deputy Director by writing to:

    Deputy Director
    Center for the Study of Intelligence
    Central Intelligence Agency
    Washington, D.C. 20505


Posted: Apr 22, 2007 09:17 AM
Last Updated: Oct 14, 2008 08:35 AM
Last Reviewed: Apr 22, 2007 09:17 AM