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Last Updated:April 27, 2009

Yellow WaveYellow Wave

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council


The Secretary of Commerce established the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council to provide advice to the Sanctuary Superintendent and the Director of the Office of Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas, Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Sanctuary Managers) regarding management of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.


The Council shall advise and assist NOAA and the State of Florida in the development and implementation of the comprehensive plan for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. The Council shall function as a forum for consultation and deliberation between its members and as a source of consensus advice to the Secretary. The Council shall draw on the expertise of its members and other sources to provide advice and assist NOAA. Such advice shall represent the collective and individual views of the Council members. For more information, read the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council Charter. (pdf)

Who is on the Sanctuary Advisory Council

The Sanctuary Advisory Council consists of members appointed by NOAA, in consultation with the State of Florida. Members include representatives of commercial and recreational user groups (i.e. commercial and recreational fishermen, the dive industry, and the boating industry), conservation and other public interest organizations, scientific and educational organizations, and members of the public interested in the protection and multiple use management of Sanctuary resources.

Click here for a SAC Member list

What does the Sanctuary Advisory Council Do?

The Sanctuary Advisory Council has four responsibilities that provide a framework for all of their activities. Those responsibilities are to:

  1. Identify and evaluate emergent or critical issues involving Sanctuary use or resources and serve as the local communities’ liaison to the Sanctuary Managers regarding the impact of Sanctuary management;
  2. Assist Sanctuary Managers to develop an informed constituency, increasing awareness and understanding of the purpose and value of National Marine Sanctuaries;
  3. Provide advice to Sanctuary Managers on the development of the Sanctuary's annual action plan; and
  4. Evaluate and advise on the success of implementation of action plans and activities.

Meetings and Minutes

The Council will hold its meetings as necessary to carry out its responsibilities. All meetings are open to the public. Sanctuary Advisory Council meetings are normally held at the Marathon Garden Club, 5270 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida (unless stated otherwise in the draft agenda) on the third Tuesday, every other month (February, April, June, August, October); an exception is the December meeting, which is held on the second Tuesday of that month. Meetings normally begin at 9:00 AM, and include morning and afternoon public comment periods.

Contact the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary office in Key West at (305) 292-0311 for possible date or location changes for each meeting. See below for minutes and agendas.

Meeting Agendas and Minutes are available as .pdf documents.
Adobe Acrobat Reader Required

Please note:
All agendas for future meetings are subject to change up until the day of the meeting. Please treat any agenda for a future meeting as DRAFT until the day of the meeting.

February 17     Eco-Mariner Resolution
Motion on Forwarding Land
Motion on Lionfish
Motion Supporting Cramer
Resolution - Spreader Canal
April 21      
June 16      
August 18      
October 20      
December 8      
February 19     Florida Forever Resolution
Working Waterfronts Motion 
April 15     Resolution Supporting Inwater Research
Motion Supporting Raising Vessel Registration Fees
June 17     Resolution on Offshore Aquaculture Concerns 
August 19     MEETING CANCELED due to weather
October 21     Resolution 
December 9     Final Motion on Mandatory Boater Education 

Final Resolution Supporting Land Acquisition 

Final Motion on Revision of the FKNMS Regulatory Action Plan 

February 20      
April 17      
June 19     Resolution 
August 21     FIU SW Shelf Resolution
Water Use Resolution 
October 16     Card Sound Road
Modified Waters Deliveries Project
Sports Season Lobster Tagging Program and Debris Removal 
December 11     Final Resolution on a Decompartmentalization Alternative
February 21     Resolution 
April 11-13      
June 20      
August 15    
October 17      
December 12     Motions 
December 6    
October 11  
August 16     Strategic Planning and Vision Workshop
June 21  
April 19  
February 15
December 14
October 19
August 17
June 15
April 20
February 17
December 9  
October 21  
August 19  
June 17
April 8
February 18
January 17
(special meeting)
February 19
April 16
June 18
August 20
October 15
November 14
(special meeting)
December 10
February 20

April 17
June 19
August 21

October 16
December 11
February 15

April 18
June 20
August 15

October 17
November 17
December 12
For information on earlier meetings, please contact the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.

Southern Everglades and Florida Keys Ecosystem Restoration Workshop - November 18, 2008 Presentations from the Southern Everglades and Florida Keys Ecosystem Restoration Workshop are included as links in the final agenda.
Marine Zoning Workshop - March 25, 2008 Copies of speaker presentations from the marine zoning workshop are available upon request to the Sanctuary Advisory Council Coordinator.
Climate Change and Energy Workshop - May 22, 2007 The proceedings of the workshop may be viewed on the Monroe County, Florida web site. Click on "Video on Demand," then scroll to "SAC Climate Change and Energy Workshop" - the proceedings are stored in three parts.

Advisory Council Working Groups

Working Groups are established by the Sanctuary Advisory Council, with approval of the Sanctuary Managers, to provide specialized or technical assistance to the Council on specific matters. Working Groups are composed of members of the Advisory Council and may include persons outside of the Council. Working Groups provide specialized or technical assistance only to the Advisory Council, which will use the assistance in developing recommendations to the Sanctuary Managers. Currently, there is a Ballyhoo Working Group, an Ecosystem Restoration Working Group, and an Education and Outreach Working Group.

To join one of the Sanctuary Advisory Council Working Groups, send an email message to the Sanctuary Advisory Council Chair (see SAC Member List).

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