

Coastlines, the flagship publication of New York Sea Grant, highlights the program's various research, extension and education endeavors throughout New York's marine and Great Lakes waters.

Here, you will find printable PDF versions of issues dating back to Winter 1998/1999.

For individual Coastlines articles by issue area, click on the "Theme Areas" topics on the right and check out the links in the "related info" box. Each "Theme Area" page includes a "Related Info" box on the right hand side of the page, with a link to "Coastlines Articles."

For copies of Coastlines prior to that issue, please contact Susan Hamill in NYSG's Office of Communications at (631) 632-9124 or E-mail requests to

  • Fall 2008: "Breaking the Waves" (pdf) (intro/web extras)

  • Spring 2008: "Wetlands - Looking Back to the Future" (pdf)

  • Fall 2007: "Setting the Research Agenda" (pdf)

  • Fall 2006: "Reflections" (pdf)

  • Spring/Summer 2006: "Studying Sturgeon" (pdf)

  • Winter 2006: "New Wave of Research" (pdf)

  • Fall 2005: "Emerging Pathways" (pdf)

  • Spring 2005: "Closing the Doors on Storm Surges" (pdf)

  • Fall 2004: "Big Fish, Little Fish" (pdf)

  • Summer 2004: "Breaking Through" (pdf)

  • Spring 2004: "Little Critters, Big Impacts" (pdf)

  • Fall 2003: "Stewards Lead the Way" (pdf)

  • Summer 2003: "Educating for Success" (pdf)

  • Fall 2002: "Extension Responds" (pdf)

  • Spring 2002: "Focus on Research" (pdf)

  • Fall 2001: "Valuing Our Resources" (pdf)
    (30th Anniversary Special Issue)

  • Summer 2001: "Taking Initiative" (pdf)
    (30th Anniversary Special Issue)

  • Winter 2001: "A Look Back ... A Look Ahead" (pdf)
    (30th Anniversary Special Issue)

  • Summer 2000: "Diving Into Summer Issues" (pdf)

  • Winter 2000: "Monitoring Change" (pdf)

  • Fall 1999: "Reaching A Watershed" (pdf)

  • Spring/Summer 1999: "Spawning New Efforts to Culture Fish" (pdf)

  • Winter 1998/1999: "Restoring Coastal Ecosystems" (pdf)


Aquatic Invasive Species

Coastal Communities,
Habitat Restoration &
Water Quality

Coastal Economies,
Marinas, Tourism &
Other Coastal Businesses

Coastal Processes &


Seafood Science &