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*Download Recommendations: We recommend using the Internet Explorer or Safari browser for opening these pdf files. There are frequent download conflicts using Netscape browsers. Also, you may download these files by right-clicking on the link for PC users and click and hold for Macintosh users. Some of these pdfs are large and may appear to stop downloading, please wait five to ten seconds and they should open.

Brochures, Booklets and Publications are available at CINMS offices

educational publications
Boating & Safety Brochure2009 pdf (2.5MB)
Protecting your Channel Islands pdf (3 MB)

California Marine Wildlife Viewing HandbookResponsibly Watching California’s Marine Wildlife:
A Handbook for Ocean Users

The handbook, a collaboration between the NMSP and NOAA Fisheries, was first introduced during a California Marine Wildlife Viewing Workshop held on February 27th, 2003. Through this and future workshops, the sanctuary program hopes to develop a refined wildlife viewing handbook for California and eventually a comprehensive marine wildlife viewing program for all of the sanctuaries. Please follow the link below to the very first NMSP wildlife viewing handbook for California.
Click here to download in PDF format (1.4 MB)

Ocean Etiquette
Promoting responsible wildlife encounters
in the marine environment
Knowing how to interact with ocean wildlife can help you make the right decisions when you encounter wildlife. Without paying attention to how you interact in the marine environment, you are running the chance of putting endangered species, federally protected species, and thousands of other species’ lives at risk.
Click here for more info.

California Wildlife Viewing Report
click here to download in PDF format (1.8 MB)


Newsletter Alolkoy available by subscription, click here

FALL 2006, Marine Reserves Issue pdf (1.2MB)

25th Anniversary Issue, FALL 2005, adobelogopdf (1.2MB)

25th Anniversary Poster, pdf (700KB)

Winter 2005, Research Issuepdf (8MB)

Spring 2003, Water Quality in the Sanctuary pdf (836k)

Winter 2002, Recreation in the Sanctuary pdf

Spring 2002, Seabirds in the Sanctuary pdf

Spring 2001, Marine Reserves in CINMS
pdf (2.3MB), excerpt, Marine Reserves Frequently Asked Questions

Spring/Summer 1999 Alolkoy pdf (585k)

Spring 1998 Alolkoy pdf (1906kb)
excerpt, Why We Need a "Sea Ethic" by Carl Safina.

Winter 1997 Alolkoy (1311kb)
excerpt Near Shore El Nino Effects

Fall 1997 Alolkoy (1911kb)
excerpt, Squid: An Ecosystem Perspective

Summer 1997 Alolkoy (2555kb)

Spring 1997 Alolkoy (904kb)

Winter 1997 Alolkoy (1688kb)

Fall 1996 Alolkoy (600kb)

Summer 1996 Alolkoy (710kb)

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