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Last Updated: March 26, 2008

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Winter 2007/
Spring 2008

Superintendent’s Message Newsletter (complete printable version)

Winter 2006/
Spring 2007

Superintendent’s Message Newsletter (complete printable version)

Fall 2005

Superintendent’s Message
  • Around the Sanctuary
  • Seaflower MPA
  • National MPA Network
  • Boy Scouts Clean Reef
  • Seagrass Restoration Projects
  • GIS Workshop about Sanctuaries

Summer 2005

Superintendent’s Message
  • Reporting Marine Events
  • BleachWatch Launched
  • Elkhorn Coral as Threatened
  • Red Tide & Marine Mammals
  • Protecting Corals, Saving Ships
  • Connections with Students

Spring 2005

Superintendent’s Message
  • Around the Sanctuary
  • Coral Reef Conference
  • Task Force Meeting
  • Florida's Seagrass Meadows
  • Management Plan Released

Fall 2004

Superintendent’s Message
  • Award Ceremony
  • NOAA Corps Officer
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Rescued Coral
  • Geodetic Marker Placed
  • Lipsky's Photographs

Summer 2004


Spring/Summer 2003

  • Around the Sanctuary
  • Restoring Seagrass
  • Keys Canals Tested
  • Water Quality Resolution
  • Bonefish Life Cycle
  • Environmental Hero Award

Winter 2002

  • Ice Age Forest found in Sanctuary Waters (cover)
  • Message from the Superintendent
  • PSSA Becomes Fully Effective i n December
  • Educators’ Seminar Focuses on Keys Research
  • Surface Currents Connect South Florida and the Keys
  • People Can Make a Difference in Water Quality
  • Reef Users Support SPAs
  • Manatees Winter in the Keys

Fall 2002

  • Duane Listed on National Historical Register (cover)
  • A Message from the Superintendent
  • A Tribute to Doug Cooper
  • Welcome to Lt. Kamphaus
  • Florida Cabinet Supports Sanctuary Management Plan
  • Biological Restoration Begins at Molasses SPA
  • Reef Medics to the Rescue
  • Elkhorn Coral and White Pox: An Answer and More Questions
  • Spotlight on Spoonbills in Florida Bay
  • Keys Wild Birds Have Rehabilitation Facilities
  • New Sanctuary Volunteer Program Manager
  • Volunteer News
  • Interagency Lobster Booth Educates Recreational Harvesters

Summer 2002

  • Sanctuary Reaches Higher Level of Protection (cover)
  • A Message from the Superintendent
  • People Who Make a Difference Everyday
  • Earth Day 2002 Celebrates Environmental Heroes
  • Education Specialists Involved in a Variety of Programs
  • Cousteau Kicks off Seagrass Celebration
  • Scientists Share Research on Restoration
  • Coral Spawning Season is Upon Us
  • Spiny Lobsters Thrive in the Ecological Reserve
  • 100 Year-old Mystery Wreck Identified as Canadian
  • Keys Residents abnd Volunteers Aid Sea Turtle
  • Mooring Buoy Hotline

Spring 2002

  • A Message from the Superintendent
  • Science Symposium Results
  • The Nature Conservency Volunteers
  • Dolphin Ecology Project
  • Marine Mamal Stranding Meeting
  • New wataerways Spotlight and Producer
  • Restoration of the Wellwood Site
  • Submerged Cultural Resources
  • Great American Fish Count

Winter 2001

  • A Message from the Superintendent
  • International Collaborations
  • Aquarius 2001: Inner Space
  • The Florida Keys: Dramatically Different
  • Sanctuary Management Update

Summer/Autumn 2001

  • Sanctuary Management Plan Review
  • IMO approves Sanctuary as Particularly Sensitive Sea Area
  • Tortugas - An Ocean Wilderness
  • Coral Diseases in the Florida Keys
  • Coral Reef Classroom
  • NOAA Ship Ferrel Hosts Open House

Spring 2001

  • International Protection for FKNMS
  • TNC Five Year Volunteers
  • Seagrass Awareness Month
  • Grounding Surveys
  • Coral and Global Warming
  • Working Diver Training
  • NOAA Employee of the Year

January/February 2000

  • Sustainable Seas Expeditions
  • Message from the Superintendent
  • Sanctuary Friends Established
  • T-2000 Update
  • Shipwreck Trail
  • Columbus Iselin

Autumn 2000

  • PWC
  • Exotic Batfish
  • Tortugas Update
  • SAC Vacancies
  • Seagrass Prop Scarring
  • Great American Fish Count
  • Reef Medics
  • Bouy Banks
Summer 2000
  • International Protection for FKNMS
  • TNC Five Year Volunteers
  • Seagrass Awareness Month
  • Grounding Surveys
  • Coral and Global Warming
  • Working Diver Training
  • NOAA Employee of the Year
DOC | NOAA | NOS | ONMS | Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary